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ЛАЗ-695Н #ЕЕ 327 26

8 august 2008 - LAZ 695N #ЕЕ 327 26 near the railway station "Kislovodsk" and the house, famous as a "Schalapin cottage" - cottage of famous Russian singer of beginning of XX-th century Feodor Schalapin. In reality this building belonged to his friend, Semyonov, and Schalapin was just a guest there. Now there is situated Schalapin's memorial museum.
Author: Mad_BOSS

ЛАЗ-695Н #ЕЕ 358 26

26 august 2008 - Kislovodsk, Vokzalnaya street. LAZ-695N №ЕЕ 358 26 near the local railway station waits for its passengers.
Author: Mad_BOSS



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