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Seaton Tramway/

Llandudno and Colwyn Bay #6

21 august 2002 - Seaton, Devon, UK. A tram loads up at the Seaton tram terminus for the trip to Colyton. This car was based on a tram from the Llandudno and Colwyn Bay line. As Seaton Tramway has built new cars, each is bigger than the last – Car 6 is quite old and looks rather small compared to some of the later ones.
Author: dvigar
Comments: 2

21 august 2002 - Seaton, Devon (GB). The miniature tramway at Seaton originated with a 60cm line at Eastbourne, Sussex in 1953 and had steadily grown in size and extent. The line moved to Seaton in 1970 and now runs on 840mm gauge, allowing the model trams to be much larger – in fact, several are based on the bodies of old, full-sized trams. Car, #6, seen here leaving the main terminus in Seaton, is now one of the smallest trams on the property, having been built as long ago as 1954 for the Eastbourne 60cm gauge system.
Author: dvigar

Llandudno and Colwyn Bay #8

9 august 2004 - Seaton, Devon, UK. The Seaton tramway runs mostly through fields on the course of an abandoned railway. At a passing place, Car 8 is seen heading for Seaton. The cows don’t seem much interested – they’ve seen it all before…….
Author: dvigar
9 august 2004 - Seaton, Devon (GB) – depot/zajezdnia Riverside. The well-equipped tram depot is near the site of the old railway station, where the tramway used to terminate before it was extended to the town’s central car park. Here we see car #6 and a glimpse of the line’s works car #02 – essential here, because most of the line runs a long way from the nearest road. The works tram dates from 1952.
Author: dvigar



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