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Wessex Bus/

Optare StarRider #DNZ 5130

10 august 2008 - Weymouth, Dorset, UK – Esplanade. The Wessex Bus Optare displays an Irish registration (a sure sign that it has been re-registered at some stage), replacing the year-specific English number plate and so concealing the true age of the vehicle. Many operators do this in UK, so they can pretend their buses are quite new.
Author: dvigar
10 august 2008 - Weymouth, Dorset, UK – Esplanade. A TWB debut for Wessex Bus, a little two-bus operator running market-day services to villages around Weymouth. Unusually, Line 005 is the official route number for this particular service, and not Line 5.
Author: dvigar
Comments: 1



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