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Concordia Bus Norge AS (2007-2009)/

Mercedes-Benz O550 #0129

5 july 2007 - Hamar, railway station.
Author: Øyvind Berg

Mercedes-Benz O550 #0449

26 june 2008 - Hjartdal, Saulandsvegen (E134). By pure incident I met #0449 and #0451 on the road when they were being delivered to their new home in Hordaland. They had been registered in Oslo the day before. (Yes, I know the picture is not very good, but it was shot "blindly" while I was driving. I upload it mostly for historical reference.)
Author: Øyvind Berg
Comments: 2

Mercedes-Benz O550 #0451

26 june 2008 - Hjartdal, Saulandsvegen (E134). By pure incident I met #0449 and #0451 on the road when they were being delivered to their new home in Hordaland. They had been registered in Oslo the day before. (Yes, I know the picture is not very good, but it was shot "blindly" while I was driving. I upload it mostly for historical reference.)
Author: Øyvind Berg



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