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Duewag L #ET195.01
Author: dvigar enedytorRSS (0)
Uploaded: 2009-11-02 20:52:58
Width: 900, Height: 600
File size: 197.40kB
11 april 1956 - Weingarten (DE) – Krankenhaus. Outside Weingarten hospital was a passing loop, where ET 196.02 is seen passing one of the two conventional Duewag trams of 1954 that ran alongside the big Esslingen cars. One peculiarity of the line was that all stops were on the same side, so the trams (which were all double-ended) had doors on just one side. The Duewags had a busy life – being only five years old when the line closed, they were sold to the RTM steam/diesel tramway in Rotterdam, where a centre generator vehicle was built so they could run as a two-car train. When this line also closed down, they saw further use on the Zillertalbahn in Austria for twenty years. In 1999 they returned to Holland and are now operating at the RTM Museum. (Photo: S Zimmer)
en gt


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