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Scania L94UB / Wright Solar #4949
Author: mike_1994 plRSS (18)
Uploaded: 2012-05-18 20:28:24
Width: 990, Height: 660
File size: 330.15kB
17 april 2012 - Gateshead - Felling, Sunderland Road. At the end of my English series - Scania with the Gateshead Stadium in background. To sum up - their service has tickled my fancy. Every bus or train was punctual and clean, in every end station metro was cleaned superficially. For some the ticket tariff could be incomprehensible, but if we know where we want go, there is no problem to find suitable ticket. New ticket machines has Polich and even Mandarin. Furthermore, at train station, next to timetables and some phones there is a list of metro break downs and other outs of service, e.g. in March there were 4 disruptions - lateness connected with a football match, failure of door and two failures of infrastructure
pl en gt
Tags: 27 Nexus


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