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Milnes Vestibuled Saloon #7


NameMilnes Vestibuled Saloon
(Milnes) Brush D/Milnes Saloon 32
Build Number
MER Douglas
Vehicle Numbers
Year Of Get Year Of Remove Vehicle Number
7 / MER Douglas
Other Information
Built 1894 by GF Milnes, Birkenhead, England


21 september 1987 - Douglas, Isle of Man – Derby Castle. The Manx Electric railway terminus and horse tram depot just alongside. The track gauge is the same, but there is no connection between the two systems, there was once talk of this. MER #7 and #5 (in the distance) are both ‘Tunnel’ cars of 1894 - so called because they had seats along each side, under the windows (just visible through the open door).
Author: dvigar
21 september 1987 - Douglas, Isle of Man – Derby Castle. Inside a Manx electric ‘Tunnel’ car – very cosy! Would you prefer one of these for your journey to work? See http://www.phototrans.eu/14,246345,0.html for a view of the outside of this car. Remember - these are a proper means of transport, and not just museum trams.
Author: dvigar
12 september 1994 - Douglas, Isle of Man – Derby Castle. MER saloon tram 7 of 1894 coasts down to the terminal sidings from the depot, ready to form the next service to Laxey and Ramsey. The start of the long and steep climb from here to the cliff top can be seen in the background.
Author: dvigar
12 september 1994 - Douglas, Isle of Man – Derby Castle. MER 7 rattles across the depot entrance with a northbound service. Note the narrow 3 feet track gauge and the unusual three-way point. Douglas town can be seen in the background.
Author: dvigar
Comments: 2



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