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Кубань Г1А1-02 #0350 ССП


NameКубань Г1А1-02
(Кубань) ГАЗ 53/Кубань Г1А1 (ЗМЗ 53А 86kW/117HP 4250cm3 ) (ГАЗ 53(4)) (1985-1993)
Build Number
?2006Unknown Owner Ессентукская
Registration Numbers
Year Of Get Year Of Remove Registration Plate
199020050350 ССП
20052007Е 940 АХ 26


9 july 2007 - Such buses, called "Kuban'" (Кубань, the river in the south of Russia) were engineered by the Krasnodar Mechanical Factory in the beginning of 70's. The KMZ belonged to the Ministry of Culture, and the Kuban used to be a bus for theaters, "culture houses", museums and libraries. There were several versions of it: standart bus, movable library, movable club and some others. Later the engineering documentation was given to Budennovsk, to the auto-repair factory of agrocultural ministry. Production of these buses finished in 1993 at the two factories in Krasnodar and Budennovsk. According to some details, this Kuban was produced in Budennovsk as a "standart bus". Since 2005 it stayed on the street in stanitza Ессентукская, and later was scrapped as a "thrown away" bus.
Author: Mad_BOSS

Comments: 3



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