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AEC Regent III RT #RT1702


NameAEC Regent III RT
(Park Royal) AEC Regent III/London Transport RT (1947-1954)
Build NumberL1435
19501972LT London
1972Private London
Registration Numbers
Year Of Get Year Of Remove Registration Plate
1950KYY 529
Vehicle Numbers
Year Of Get Year Of Remove Vehicle Number
19501972RT1702 / LT London
1972RT1702 / Private London
Other Information
Owned by RT1702 Preservation Society.


5 may 2013 - Redhill, Surrey (UK) - Brighton Road. Lots of ex-London Transport RT buses are preserved, but this one has a special claim to fame, as it travelled to Europe for a trade visit when new, visiting Scandinavia and the Low Countries for three months. It was withdrawn from normal service in 1972 and has been a regular rally performer for a number of years.
Author: dvigar
Comments: 1

12 april 2014 - London (UK) - zajezdnia/depot Ash Grove. Some of the RT type buses involved in the takeover of London route 22 last Saturday. This picture shows the three standard RT types - the one on the left was built by the AEC company, whilst the other two are of Leyland manufacture (notice the different radiator grilles), an RTL and an RTW. The RTW was six inches wider in the body and was only allowed to operate in certain streets - if you look very carefully, you can see the differences between the three types.
Author: dvigar
13 april 2014 - Cobham, UK - Brooklands: The Finishing Straight (the place where old racing cars used to slow down at the end of races) is the scene here of an impressive collection of London RT-type buses, lined up at one of the annual rallies held at the London Buse Museum, which shares the same site. The nearest RT, #RT1702, was sent on a tour of eight European cities in 1950 to publicise the 1951 Festival of Britain and carries a `GB` plate on the rear as a memorial. It is one of the few RT type buses to keep the same chassis, body and identity throughout its various overhauls - normally, the bus was separated into parts on arriving at the works, then these parts were put back into a different bus as work was finished, not necessarily at the same time.
Author: dvigar
7 june 2014 - London, zajezdnia Alperton.
Author: Marcin Łańko (su44)



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