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Regent #FUF 63


(AEC) AEC Regent III/
Build Number
19391965BH&D Brighton & Hove
1998Private London
Registration Numbers
Year Of Get Year Of Remove Registration Plate
1939FUF 63
Vehicle Numbers
Year Of Get Year Of Remove Vehicle Number
193963 /
Other Information
Regent I with Weymann H56R bodywork. New to Brighton, Hove and District Omnibus Company.


13 april 2014 - Cobham, UK - Brooklands: A few more shots from the 2014 annual bus and coach gathering at the London Bus Museum. Here is a very nice 1939 AEC Regent I with a Weymann highbridge body, originally supplied to the Brighton, Hove and District undertaking, next to another Regent from the Ipswich fleet. BH&D were an interesting outfit - Brighton had its own buses, painted in an identical colour scheme, sharing some routes with BH&D and working others alone. There were also trams (later trolleybuses) run almost entirely by Brighton Corporation and the large Southdown bus company was also a major player. So, one town and three bus operators! This particular bus was exported to California, USA between 1965 and 198, but brought back to the UK for preservation.
Author: dvigar



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