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Miscellaneous vehicles #10485

20 april 2013 - SNCV type N Inside the tram museum

SNCV Brabant Type SE #9974

21 october 2007 - Charleroi (BE) – Parc. #9974 in the TEC tunnels beneath Charleroi city centre. Behind can be seen some spare BN cars in storage, where they have been for some years. All this has now changed, however, as the line has just been extended from here to Charleroi Sud, finally realising the original plans of the 1980s for a city-centre loop.

Author: dvigaredytor RSS

SNCV Brabant Type SE #9974

21 october 2007 - Charleroi (BE) – Gosselies, Chaussee de Bruxelles. The lovely Type S tram from the Thuin museum runs along the main road at Gosselies, not far from the TEC Jumet depot. This line, for many years just kept for depot access, is currently being completely rebuilt as a new branch of the Charleroi network, brunging trams back to this area after all the original lines closed down in the 1980s.

Author: dvigaredytor RSS

SNCV Cureghem Type N #10480

21 october 2007 - Anderlues (BE) – Route de Thuin. A very typical Vicinal scene, although taken in 1997. This stop near the end of the current Charleroi Metro Leger (‘light metro’) still looks almost exactly as it would have done fifty years ago, although it is now normally served only by modern, articulated BN cars. The Type N tram shown here was brought from the nearby ASVi museum for some special trips – it originated in Bruxelles, where it ran with a trolley pole.

Author: dvigaredytor RSS

SNCV Brabant Type SE #9974

21 october 2007 - Anderlues (BE) – remise/zajezdnia. A Vicinal Type S tram, now owned by the ASVi museum at Thuin, stands at Anderlues Depot before setting out on TEC tracks for an enthusiast tour. TEC sometimes allows ASVi to run their trams on the Charleroi network, as seen here, although the cost of transport means this cannot often happen. After the former direct connecting line from here to Thuin closed down, it was kept in a derelict state for some years so occasional vehicle transfers could take place (and there was originally a plan to retain and operate it), but it was eventually taken up, leaving just the triangle of tracks near the depot to show where trams to Thuin had once departed. ASVi now operates just the outermost few Km of this line.

Author: dvigaredytor RSS

SNCV Type S #9785

11 june 2009 - Antwerpen (BE) – Transport Museum, Groenenhoek. One of the superb 1958 Type S bogie trams of SNCV/NMVB. These were the final attempt by the vast Vicinal network to modernise their remaining electric lines, but closures continued and they soon had nowhere left to run. Fast and comfortable, they were more advanced than many trams still operating today.

SNCV Type S (Remorques) #19580

11 june 2009 - Antwerpen (BE) – Transport Museum, Groenenhoek. One of the Type S cars of the SNCV/NMVB – this is a rare trailer version. Never very common, they were built in the late 1950s to match the Type S motor cars, but the need for two-car trains was already beginning to disappear as lines closed down and motor car ownership increased. Note the oil tail lamp, still a feature on some services until the end.

SNCV Type S #9176

28 march 2009 - Fontaine l’Eveque (BE) – Petria. This is the last station on the Charleroi metro before it joins the streets for the last section into Anderlues.

SNCV Type S #9176

28 march 2009 - Charleroi (BE) – Parc. Inside the ‘metro leger’ tunnels. Spare trams are currently stored here, but this tunnel will soon be extended to Charleroi Sud, completing the city centre circle metro line that was started in the 1980s, but never completed.

SNCV Type S #9176

28 march 2009 - Anderlues (BE) zajezdnia/depot. The controls of an SNCV Type S tram. Operated by hand, of course – with the air brake lever on the right. The small lever fixed above it is the air-operated sand lever.

SNCV Type S #9176

28 march 2009 - Anderlues (BE) – zajezdnia/depot. Works car 9176 waits to go out onto the single track leading towards Charleroi. This was a standard SNCV type of the 1970s and early 1980s.

SNCV Type S #9176

28 march 2009 - Charleroi (BE) – Charleroi Sud. Works tram 9179 stands outside the fine railway station building at Charleroi. Note the extra steps added when these trams were converted for operation through the metro tunnels. We chartered this tram for an enthusiasts’ trip – the most fun you can have with your clothes on!

SNCV Type S #9176

28 march 2009 - Charleroi (BE) – Monceau-sur-Sambre. On the Charleroi ‘light metro’ tramway, overhead line car 9176 speeds past the local chateau. These trams started life as standard SNCV passenger cars with wooden bodies, which were scrapped and replaced with new metal ones, becoming Type S. These were upgraded to Type SJ, as seen here, in order to run on the newly-built metro. With four powerful motors and new suspension, they were very fast and smooth riding trams.

SNCV Brabant Type SE #9974

21 october 2007 - Charleroi, Belgium – Jumet. The ASVi Type S car stands at the current northern limit of the track which once continued to Gosselies. For many years, this whole line from Charleroi has been used only for access to Jumet depot, but work is now under way to reconstruct it and return it to passenger service, all the way to Gosselies.

Author: dvigaredytor RSS

SNCV Type S #7874

21 october 2007 - Charleroi, Belgium – near Waterloo. The tram that hides in a tunnel. This ex-passenger Type S car lives in the Charleroi metro and is kept specially for track repairs underground, so very rarely comes out into the open air. I managed to take this (very poor) photo from a passing tram, but it’s almost impossible to get a good one. If anyone does manage it, please send me a copy!

SNCV Cureghem Type N #10480

22 october 2007 - Charleroi, Beaux-Arts. Inside the magnificent metro station at Beaux-Arts in central Charleroi. This station has five or six long, wide platforms – I can’t remember exactly how many – but some aren’t used. A typical peak hour crowd (!) is waiting for the next service tram whilst the ASVi special passes through. This place must have cost millions……..just for one little tram every fifteen minutes.

Author: dvigaredytor RSS

SNCV Cureghem Type N #10480

22 october 2007 - Charleroi, Belgium – Gilly. A view forward from the end of the metro tracks at Gilly. The viaduct, tunnels and overhead towers are complete for several kilometres through unopened stations, but the money (or the political pressure) ran out before the line was completed. Everything was left in this condition for over twenty years – now, at long last, there are plans to finish the work.

Author: dvigaredytor RSS

SNCV Cureghem Type N #10480

22 october 2007 - Charleroi, Belgium – Moulin. ASVi museum’s Type N tram crosses the Canal du Sambre on a special trip along the Charleroi TEC ‘ metro leger’, with one of the grandiose station buildings in the background. Before the metro was constructed, trams used to run along the main street of the village in the background – now they are so far away from where people actually live that hardly anyone uses them.

Author: dvigaredytor RSS

SNCV Brabant Type SE #9974

21 october 2007 - Anderlues, Belgium – depot/zajezdnia TEC. How the SNCV used to look. A Type N and Type S stand together in the Anderlues depot entrance. Both are now owned and operated by ASVi and they occasionally venture onto the Charleroi network for special tours.

Author: dvigaredytor RSS

SNCV Type S #9063

21 october 2007 - Anderlues, Hainaut, Belgium – depot/zajezdnia TEC. Stored at Anderlues is this Type S tram which was latterly a works car. It’s now owned by the ASVi museum group and is historically important, as it is now the last surviving Charleroi Type S remaining in entirely original condition. The group plan to restore it in due course.

Author: dvigaredytor RSS

Comments: 1

SNCV Type S #9591

21 october 2007 - Jumet, Hainaut, Belgium – depot/zajezdnia TEC. Jumet depot has this Type S overhead line car which is fitted with an auxiliary diesel engine for working away from electric power.

SNCV Type S #9176

21 october 2007 - Anderlues, Hainaut, Belgium – depot/zajezdnia TEC. This Type SJ is now an overhead line car and still displays the very attractive classic lines of a traditional SNCV tram. The SJ Class were a modified Type S tram for use in the Charleroi subways and were rebuilt at the Jumet depot in Charleroi, so were classified as Type SJ – they wore this colour scheme in passenger service.

SNCV Type S #7884

21 october 2007 - Anderlues, Hainaut, Belgium – depot/zajezdnia TEC. The Charleroi ‘metro leger’ or light metro has retained several old passenger cars for works duties and keeps them in very smart condition. This Type S is now an Anderlues depot general works car and has been quite extensively modified for its new role. The Type S were the classic SNCV trams of the 1950s and were themselves a reconstruction of old ‘Standard’ trams with new bodies.

SNCV Brabant Type SE #9974

21 october 2007 - Charleroi, TEC Metro Leger - Providence station. SNCV/NMBS Type SE museum car of ASVi, running a special tour on TEC tracks.

Author: dvigaredytor RSS

Comments: 1

SNCV Cureghem Type N #10490

21 october 2007 - Charleroi, Providence station on TEC Metro Leger/Light Metro. ASVi museum tram at the Gates of Hell!

Author: dvigaredytor RSS

Comments: 2

SNCV Brabant Type SE #9974

21 october 2007 - Charleroi, Chaussee de Bruxelles. ASVi museum car operating on service tracks of TEC Charleroi.

Author: dvigaredytor RSS

SNCV Cureghem Type N #10490

21 october 2007 - Fontaine l'Eveque, Charleroi. ASVi museum car operating on tracks of the TEC 'light metro', where some of the unique atmosphere of the old SNCV/NMBS system can still be found.

Author: dvigaredytor RSS

Comments: 4



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