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Search Results
NameVINBuild NumberBuiltYear Of GetYear Of RemoveScrappedRegistration PlateNo.OperatorPrevious OwnerIndex
Volvo 9700S UG 14,0mYV3T2U827HA1814471541-220162016NoNoPL 28373101Setesdal Bilruter Evje og Hornnes627246
Volvo 9700S UG 14,0mYV3T2U821HA1814441541-120162016NoNoPL 28372100Setesdal Bilruter Evje og Hornnes627247
Volvo 9700S UG 14,0mYV3T2U825HA1815271541-32016201620192019PL 28374102Setesdal Bilruter Evje og Hornnes627248
Volvo 9700S UG 14,0mYV3T2U829HA1815321541-420162016NoNoPL 28375103Setesdal Bilruter Evje og Hornnes627249
Volvo 9700H UG 14,0mYV3T2U824LA20286220202020NoNoPR 58075105Setesdal Bilruter Evje og Hornnes796263
Volvo 9700H UG 14,0mYV3T2U824LA20285920202020NoNoPR 58074104Setesdal Bilruter Evje og Hornnes796290
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