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Search Results
NameVINBuild NumberBuiltYear Of GetYear Of RemoveScrappedRegistration PlateNo.OperatorPrevious OwnerIndex
Comeng B21989NoNo2014Yarra Trams Melbourne328103
Comeng B21992NoNo2092Yarra Trams Melbourne656207
Comeng B21990NoNo2039Yarra Trams Melbourne657578
Comeng B21989NoNo2028Yarra Trams Melbourne657579
Comeng B21992NoNo2088Yarra Trams Melbourne657580
Comeng B21989NoNo2016Yarra Trams Melbourne657810
Comeng B2NoNo2103Yarra Trams Melbourne764864
Comeng B2NoNo2115Yarra Trams Melbourne764865
Comeng B2NoNo2058Yarra Trams Melbourne766494
Comeng B2NoNo2123Yarra Trams Melbourne860745
Comeng B2NoNo2043Yarra Trams Melbourne860746
Comeng B2NoNo2004Yarra Trams Melbourne860781
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