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UEC Class A #102

26 june 2010 - London (GB) – LT Museum. We saw this tram a few days ago, being moved from its temporary home at Reigate. Now it is fully restored as West Ham Tramways #102 and is displayed in the LT museum.

UEC Class A #290

1958 - Reigate, Surrey (UK) - LT bus garage, Lesbourne Road. The very first tram photo I ever took, when I was still wearing short trousers! No prizes for quality, but quite an interesting picture. London Transport kept a number of historic vehicles for the future LT Museum (Covent Garden) and these were stored for many years inside Reigate Garage. On this day in 1958, they were moved to a new home in London. This little tram was originally #102 of West Ham Corporation, one of the tramways which came into LT ownership in 1933, when it was renumbered #290 and painted red, as shown here. Now it is repainted into West Ham colours and you can see it in the museum. No trams ever ran in Reigate, of course.

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