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Search Results
NameVINBuild NumberBuiltYear Of GetYear Of RemoveScrappedRegistration PlateNo.OperatorPrevious OwnerIndex
Solaris Urbino 8,9 LESUU206U03AB00912420102020NoNoGC 239 JF2922TPER BolognaBRH ViaBus Speyer380197
Solaris Urbino 8,9 LE201020112020NoSP-BV 29BRH ViaBus SpeyerFirst Speyer380198
Solaris Urbino 8,9 LE201020112020NoSP-BV 30BRH ViaBus SpeyerFirst Speyer380199
Solaris Urbino 8,9 LESUU206U06AB00912520102011?NoSP-BV 21BRH ViaBus SpeyerFirst Speyer380260
Solaris Urbino 8,9 LESUU206U03AB00912620102018NoNoERB-RS 139Sauter BeerfeldenBRH ViaBus Speyer380261
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