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Богдан Е231 #4302
Author: JacekM plnewseredytorRSS (173)
Uploaded: 2009-05-15 20:09:44
Width: 900, Height: 600
File size: 258.77kB
30 august 2008 - Kyiv, vul. Heroiv Dnipra. One of the ugliest trolleybuses I’ve ever seen slowly struggled through one of plenty roundabouts in northern estates of Kyiv. In the foreground we can see two billboards – first contains advert which prompts to buy linoleum (which is certainly rather cheap, about 4€ for square meter) and second is way more interesting. It’s part of Party of Regions (led by Viktor Yanukovych) campaign for jolly up the Ukrainians. But I don’t think that billboards containing happy children and “let’s smile” are the sufficient comfort when you were sacked from your company, your bank holds your money and doesn’t seem to give them back. What worse still vista of EURO 2012 is slowly receding from Ukraine.
pl en gt


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