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Search Photos

Heuliez GX137 #13700169

20 september 2014 - Rorthais, Heuliez Bus factory. A GX 137 for Paris, not yet finished. 13700169 is the temporary factory number.

Author: Texagonedytor RSS
Place: Rorthais (Nouvelle-Aquitaine) | Owner: RATP Paris | Transport Authority: STIF

Comments: 2

Heuliez GX137 #-

20 september 2014 - Rorthais, Heuliez Bus factory. Bright colours and HB letter logo.

Author: Texagonedytor RSS
Place: Rorthais (Nouvelle-Aquitaine) | Infrastructure

Heuliez GX137 #13700110

20 september 2014 - Rorthais, Heuliez Bus factory. One of RATP`s GX 137 buses not yet fully finished. 13700110 is the temporary factory number.

Author: Texagonedytor RSS
Place: Rorthais (Nouvelle-Aquitaine) | Owner: RATP Paris | Transport Authority: STIF



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