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Search Results
NameVINBuild NumberBuiltYear Of GetYear Of RemoveScrappedRegistration PlateNo.OperatorPrevious OwnerIndex
Van Hool T917 Altano1D53922??NoWTM-J 51620Janssen Reisen Wittmund292962
Van Hool TDX21 AltanoYE2X18SU351D5470420132013NoNoWTM-J 54230Janssen Reisen Wittmund358154
Van Hool TDX27 Astromega20132013NoNoWTM-J 54340Janssen Reisen Wittmund466361
Van Hool T917 AcronYE2917SS339D5322820092023NoNoBH 7703 TB15Heybus ОдесаJanssen Reisen Wittmund558698
Van Hool T917 Altano1D53923??NoWTM-J 51727Janssen Reisen Wittmund640656
Van Hool TX17 AcronYE2X17SS368D56158??NoNoWTM-J 60512Janssen Reisen Wittmund643762
Van Hool TDX27 Astromega9D5632820172017NoNoWTM-J 65539Janssen Reisen Wittmund647476
Van Hool TX17 AcronYE2X17SS368D562995629920172017NoNoWTM-J 66514Janssen Reisen Wittmund647478
Van Hool TDX27 Astromega??NoNoWTM-J 57533Janssen Reisen Wittmund726797
Van Hool TDX27 Astromega201220122017NoWTM-J 53639Janssen Reisen Wittmund757128
Van Hool TDX27 AstromegaNoNoWTM-J 56538Janssen Reisen Wittmund757325
Van Hool TX15 AcronYE2X15SS250D5468420132023NoNoBE 7760 HH18Оріон-Авто МиколаївJanssen Reisen Wittmund844632
Van Hool TDX21 Altano8D56475??NoNoWTM-J 68520Janssen Reisen Wittmund862331
Van Hool TX Astromega??NoNoWTM-J 69427Janssen Reisen Wittmund907132
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