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Search Results
NameVINBuild NumberBuiltYear Of GetYear Of RemoveScrappedRegistration PlateNo.OperatorPrevious OwnerIndex
Mercedes-Benz O530LE Ü IIWEB6285871311405311405320082020NoNoZGL 70980Olibus GoleniówKeolis Monts Jura Besançon775993
Mercedes-Benz O550HVF96270213030019320032019NoNoOP 9381L61035009PKS OpoleKeolis Monts Jura Besançon795408
Mercedes-Benz O550HVF96270213030019420032021NoNoEL 6EE606052136FKF ŁódźKeolis Val de Saône Châtenoy-le-Royal845063
Mercedes-Benz O530 IIWEB6280831060223320092021NoNoZGL 77404Olibus GoleniówKeolis Monts Jura Besançon857279
Mercedes-Benz Intouro MEWEB6332521324858124858120082023NoNoCZN 686CE083355Sprint-Trans PiechcinKeolis Monts Jura Besançon906585
Mercedes-Benz IntouroWEB6332521325241025241020092009?NoAH-394-PZ093470093470Keolis 3 Frontières MetzKeolis Monts Jura Besançon919054
Mercedes-Benz O530 IIWEB6280831060223420092022NoNoMII 32490622157Gintarinis vairas KlaipėdaKeolis Monts Jura Besançon919256
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