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Leyland Olympian / East Lancs E #L830 LNE

21 january 2023 - Warszawa, Plac Defilad.

Leyland Olympian / East Lancs E #L830 LNE

2 april 2022 - Warszawa, pl. Defilad. Zdjęcie nr 100 po rozgrzeszeniu.

Leyland Olympian / Leyland Bus #L830 LNE

22 august 2021 - Warszawa, Plac Defilad.

Leyland Olympian / East Lancs #4006

26 march 2010 - York, Museum Street. I kolejny historyk, tym razem najwyraźniej o walijskim rodowodzie.

Comments: 2

Leyland Olympian / East Lancs #371

24 march 2010 - Blackpool, Talbot Square. The Blackpool Transport fleet is truly ancient. Sadly, we had had enough of rain falling sideways and a lack of trams - it was time to go back to Manchester.

Leyland Olympian / East Lancs #LO514

7 june 2007 - Glasgow, Cathedral Street. Czyżbyśmy zabłądzili?



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