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Leyland Lion PLSC1 #C295

3 april 2019 - Manchester, Bus Museum

Leyland Lion PLSC1 #1

1 may 2011 - Redhill, Surrey (GB) – Brighton Road. A very fine Leyland Lion of 1927. This one went from Lincoln to the island of Jersey in the late 1930s and so managed to survive. It wasn’t finally withdrawn from service until 1959. Jersey Motor Transport operated some really old buses that had been shipped over from the British mainland, thereby ensuring their survival until they were saved for preservation - similar buses that didn’t leave England had all long been scrapped.

Leyland Lion PLSC1 #C295

2 may 1986 - Crawley, West Sussex, UK. Another bus from the Greater Manchester Transport Museum. This is a 1927 Leyland Lion previously operated by Ribble, who were a major bus operator in the northwest of England.



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