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AEC Reliance/Harrington Cavalier #CYD 724C

12 august 2012 - Bristol Bus Rally

Comments: 3

AEC Reliance 590/Harrington #900 SAF

5 april 2009 - Cobham (UK). Until recently, most UK buses and coaches were supplied as a bare chassis for bodying by a number of specialist coachbuilders. This Harrington Grenadier body is a typical 1960s style and with the AEC Reliance chassis was a popular combination for coach operators. The Reliance was AEC’s main coach chassis at this time.

Comments: 1

AEC Reliance/Harrington Cavalier #CYD 724C

20 may 2007 - Bristol, zlot starodawnych autobusów. Same dziadki :)



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