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Volvo B58-60 / Aabenraa M75 #811

october 1988 - Ballerup, Railway Station, October 1988. The vehicles nos. 708-711, 808-813, 821-834 and 837-845 (33 vehicles) were purcased by the HT in 1976-1978. They were delivered with the door position 1-1-0 for the service on the inter-urban routes of the HT.

Author: HKNedytor RSS
Place: Ballerup (Hovedstaden) | Owner: HT København | Route: 359

Volvo B58-60 / Aabenraa M75 #830

october 1992 - Hovedstadsområdets Trafikselskab no. 830 at Hillerød, October 1988

Author: HKNedytor RSS

Volvo B58-60 / Aabenraa M75 #844

february 1992 - Hovedstadsområdets Trafikselskab no. 844 alongside with nos. 843, 842, 812, 834 and 810 at the garage in Frederikssund in February 1992. The type was delivered in the series 708-711, 808-813, 821-834 and 837-845 in 1976-1978. They had the door position 1-1-0 for the operation on inter urban routes.

Author: HKNedytor RSS

Volvo B58-60 / Aabenraa M75 #709

february 1992 - Hovedstadsområdets Trafikselskab no. 709 at Frederiksværk in February 1992. The vehicles nos. 708-711 with the door position 1-1-0 were delivered in 1976 for the operation of inter-urban routes in the Greater Copenhagen Area.

Author: HKNedytor RSS

Comments: 2

Volvo B58-60 / Aabenraa M75 #808

october 1988 - Hovedstadsområdets Trafikselskab no. 808 at Ballerup in October 1988. The vehicles 808-813 were delivered in 1976 for the inter urban routes of the HT in 1976.

Author: HKNedytor RSS

Comments: 1

Volvo B58-60 / Aabenraa M75

january 2007 - Skarżysko-Kamienna, baza PKS, ul. Ekonomii. Jedno z 4 Volvo B58 Aabenraa, jakie jeździły w skarżyskim PKS'ie (3 mają fotki a czwarte widać częściowo na poprzednim zdjęciu). Obok autosany - staramy się zidentyfikować jakie miały wcześniej tablice rejestracyjne. Podziękowania dla Karola za zdjęcia. Tutaj inny widok: http://img529.imageshack.us/i/bazapks012007.jpg/

Comments: 4

Volvo B58-60 / Aabenraa M75

16 may 2006 - Skarżysko-Kamienna, baza ówczesnego PKS-u (ul. Ekonomii). Drugie zdjęcie z cyklu "Na bazie PKS-u" :-)

Comments: 8



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