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Kopřivnická 1912 #5

26 march 2011 - Brno (CZ) – tram museum Lisen. An older 760mm gauge tram at the museum is this 1912 car, built by the German firm of Nesselsdorfer Wagenbau AG. This ran on the Sleske Zemske Drahy (SZD) lines out of Ostrava.

Kopřivnická 1912 #5

16 may 2005 - Brno-Lisen, Holzova. The large museum shed at Lisen in Brno houses historic trams from all over the former Czechoslovakia, brought there with the intention of forming a working national museum on a redundant tramway track. This plan was then overtaken by political events, and the trams are now stranded at this rather sad place, with all thoughts of operating trams here apparently abandoned. Included in the collection are several interesting trams from Czech 760mm gauge interurban lines, like car 5 of SZD Ostrava, seen here - very advanced for 1912.

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