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La Brugeoise PCC #1024

19 september 2010 - Bruxelles/Brussel (BE) - Tervuren, Albertlaan. UITP 125th Anniversary celebrations. I can't resist another photo of this fabulous tram. The only problem with this design is that there is not much room for the driver, who has to squeeze into a tiny space.

La Brugeoise PCC #1024

19 september 2010 - Bruxelles/Brussel - Terveuren, Albertlaan. UITP 125 Years Anniversary - one amazing day. A Belgian-built PCC from HTM Den Haag, one of the prettiest trams in the world. I want one of these!

Comments: 2

La Brugeoise PCC tram #10409

10 june 2009 - Thuin (BE) – zajezdnia/depot ASVi. I can’t resist another view of that lovely PCC. Because they were single-ended and slow to board passengers, the SNCV soon placed them on quiet routes, then took them out of service altogether. This is the only survivor.

Author: dvigaredytor RSS

La Brugeoise PCC tram #10409

10 june 2009 - Thuin (BE) – Cimetiere. The Jewel in the Crown. The fabulous Vicinal PCC tram passes Thuin cemetery. After a prototype PCC car was obtained from USA and tested on both the Bruxelles and SNCV networks, many were built in Belgium under licence, becoming the first European-style PCCs. As we know, some of these early PCCs are still running in Bruxelles, 50 years later. The SNCV batch were unusual in retaining the classic American body design. Introduced in 1949, they didn’t last long in Vicinal service and were sold to Belgrade – this one was brought back by ASVi.

Author: dvigaredytor RSS

Comments: 2

La Brugeoise PCC tram #10409

28 march 2009 - Thuin (BE) – depot/zajezdnia ASVi. PCC #10409 is pushed from its shed as far as the entrance doors, where the live overhead wire begins. Note the very distinctive, American-style streamlined bodywork. A fabulous tram – and VERY fast!

Author: dvigaredytor RSS

La Brugeoise PCC tram #10409

28 march 2009 - Thuin (BE) – depot/zajezdnia ASVi. The pride of the ASVi collection is this PCC tram, identical in all respects to the classic American PCC design, but built in Belgium for the metre gauge. The SNCV tried these in several areas for a few years, but decided they were a little too complicated. They were too wide for some places and single-ended, too, so they sold them on to Belgrade. This one has been brought back to Thuin and beautifully restored. Note the date of construction – very advanced for the time and before the famous Brussels PCCs were even thought of!

Author: dvigaredytor RSS

Comments: 1



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