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Sunwin SWB6106HG #S0I-083

12 november 2017 - Shanghai, East Fuxing Road

Sunwin SWB6106HG #S0G-066

3 december 2011 - Szangchaj, Donchang Road. Takie sobie chińskie volvo.

Sunwin SWB6106 #S0G-088

28 november 2011 - Shanghai, Biyun Road. With sight of some skyscrappers.

Comments: 1

Sunwin SWB6106 #S0G-092

28 november 2011 - Pudong, Zaozhuang Rd. Bus on route 995, look at window after second door, there sits guard/conductor of bus, usually she gives signs to passengers and driver by red flag through the window.

Comments: 2

Sunwin SWB6106HG #S0G-030

27 november 2011 - Pudong, Shanghai Science and Technology Museum. I have no idea what is type of this bus. I hope that noise is not so annoying.

Comments: 5

Sunwin SWB6106HG #48617

17 july 2010 - Liuding Street,beside the Moon Lake Park.A very beutiful city park.NPTC bought 500 SWB buses in 2010,including CNG,10m and 11m diseal buses.The NPTC is the first operator for SWB6106HG beside Shanghai.

Sunwin SWB6106HG #S0G 067

9 october 2009 - it's this type first time be equipmented with ZF 6HP592C

Comments: 1



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