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Scania L94UB4x2LB / Vest V10LE 12,0m #4848

20 june 2008 - Sollentuna, Ryavägen. Veolia 4848 pauses during transport from Umeå where it has been for a few years. It started its course in Råsta in Stockholm. Later it came into traffic in Eskilstuna.

Scania L94UB4x2LB / Vest V10LE 12,0m #4839

27 september 2011 - Norrköping, Drottninggatan. Veolia 4839 replaces a tram at line 2. Tram traffic was closed because of an rescue exercise.

Author: ac75 RSS
Place: Norrköping (Östergötland) | Owner: Veolia Stockholm | Transport Authority: Östgötatrafiken | Route: 2

Scania L94UB4x2LB / Vest V10LE 12,0m #4848

27 september 2011 - Norrköping, Drottninggatan. Veolia 4848 is prepared for an rescue exercise. Since two towing trucks layed the bus on its side, two trams was driven into it.

Comments: 1

Scania L94UB4x2LB / Vest V10LE 12,0m #4843

25 january 2001 - Sollentuna station, Sollentuna. Linjebuss 4843 takes a rest under the bridge.

Author: ac75 RSS
Place: Sollentuna (Stockholm) | Owner: Linjebuss Stockholm | Transport Authority: SL Stockholm | Route: 520

Scania L94UB4x2LB / Vest V10LE 12,0m #Е 933 АН 159

1 june 2015 - Пермь,улица Попова

Scania L94UB4x2LB / Vest V10LE 12,0m #Е 933 АН 159

10 february 2015 - Пермь,улица Космонавта Леонова

Scania L94UB4x2LB / Vest V10LE 12,0m #Е 933 АН 159

18 february 2015 - Пермь,улица Героев Хасана

Comments: 1

Scania L94UB4x2LB / Vest V10LE 12,0m #Е 933 АН 159

20 august 2013 - Пермь,улица Мильчакова

Scania L94UB4x2LB / Vest V10LE 12,0m #АЕ 930 35

11 march 2013 - Город Череповец, улица Завокзальная.

Comments: 2

Scania L94UB4x2LB / Vest V10LE 12,0m #4837

11 june 2004 - Solna Centrum (Stockholm). Scania z norweskim nadwoziem Vest.

Comments: 2



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