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Sunwin SWB6121SC #S2K-053G

30 november 2011 - Shanghai, Renmin Road. Supercapacitor bus during loading.

SWB6116 #S2K-015G

30 november 2011 - Shanghai, Renmin Rd. Two capacitor electric buses are waiting for its departure.

Comments: 16

Sunwin SWB6121 #S2K-012G

27 february 2011 - Шанхай, ул. Хуайхай, электробус на подзарядке.

Comments: 2

Sunwin SWB6121EV #S2I 025I

23 september 2010 - South Tibet Rd Tunnel Entrance.The cell buses crowded with visitors are going to cross the Huangpu River to Pudong.

Sunwin SWB6121SC #S2K-005G

23 september 2010 - The Expo Shanghai Area,on 23 Sept,600 thousand tourists crowded in it.All shuttle buses are puted to line service.The SC is charging at the stop.Notice the trolley pole.

Sunwin SWB6121SC #S2K-045G

24 september 2010 - The European Area Station of Expo Shanghai 2010,the shuttlebus line of EXPO Avenue Line.Super electric capacity trolley bus.

Comments: 3



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