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Search Photos

Volvo 7700 #MLC-223

30 december 2015 - Szolnok, Tószegi út.

Volvo 7700 #MFW-501

29 april 2014 - Budapest, Görgry utca.

Author: gofkond RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK Budapest | Route: 96

Volvo 7700 #MFW-506

2 august 2014 - Budapeszt, Kelenföld vasútállomás.

Author: empilimiteredytordriver RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 108

Volvo 7700 #252

20 april 2012 - Tilburg, NL. Spoorlaan.

Author: Michael Tayloredytor RSS
Place: Tilburg (Noord-Brabant) | Owner: Veolia Breda | Route: 1

Volvo 7700 #MFW-501

30 march 2013 - Budapest, Széll Kálmán tér.

Author: bvz RSS

Comments: 1

Volvo 7700 #MFW-508

10 february 2013 - Budapest - Svábhegy

Comments: 2

Volvo 7700 #MFW-509

10 february 2013 - Budapest - Eötvös út (Normafa)

Volvo 7700 #MFW-506

21 october 2012 - Budapest, Erzsébet híd - budai hídfő

Author: A_90 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Route: 8

Volvo 7000 #BG 979-241

10 january 2011 - Požarevac, autobuska stanica

Comments: 5

Volvo 7000 #BG 979-240

19 december 2010 - Volvo and Ikarbus IK-110 at the bus station in Požarevac.

Comments: 3

Volvo 7700 #68

12 august 2010 - Beograd, Jug-Bogdanova. Po chwili przebrał się w 75. Wybaczcie światło, ale taki pojazd w takim miejscu chyba warto wrzucić.

Volvo 7700 #8276

13 june 2006 - Hamburg, S Harburg. Przewoźnik ów zakupił 4 takie volva, wyjechały na miasto kilka dni przed zrobieniem tego zdjęcia.

Author: ikarusedytordriver RSS

Volvo 7700 #851

7 september 2006 - Veolia 843 and 851 near the Central Station. They will be withdrawn by the end of this year! New Volvo`s with full airco will take their place...

Author: Hugo Buss RSS
Place: Maastricht (Limburg) | Owner: Veolia Breda | Transport Authority: Provincie Limburg | Route: 18

Comments: 3

Volvo 7700 #251

19 april 2006 - BBA citybus 251 is seen at Roosendaal station.

Volvo 7700 #250

10 september 2004 - Targi Kielce.

Comments: 4



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