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KPS mv6.2 #99

august 1990 - Brno Líšeň, August 1990.

Author: HKNedytor RSS

KPS mv6.2 #99

30 june 2013 - Brno, Nové sady. Víkendová historická linka H4 v trase Nové sady - Komenského nám.

Author: Trupmanedytor RSS
Place: Brno (Jihomoravský kraj) | Owner: DP Brno | Transport Authority: IDS JMK | Route: H4

KPS mv6.2 #99

24 may 2008 - Brno, Pisárky

KPS mv6.2 #99

22 march 2011 - Brno (CZ) - Rasinova. One of the Brno historic trams in the old town square. The buildings here make a good photo (although the one made from black and green glass cubes looks a bit out of place). I like the way in which the tram lines just sweep across the square, making this place look like somewhere from the 1950s. If this were England, Health and Safety officers would probably insist on warning signs, or even fences to protect people from those nasty and dangerous trams......

KPS mv6.2 #99

23 march 2011 - Brno (CZ) – Nadrazni. Just at the back of Brno cathedral is a quiet loop which makes a nice photo.

Comments: 2

KPS mv6.2 #99

23 march 2011 - Brno (CZ) – Vranovska. Jarosz pointed me to information about this vehicle - thanks. See comments below for its history. What a shame I am not a Czech language reader!

Comments: 3



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