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Search Photos

Volvo B10B-55 / Berkhof 2000NL #340

20 may 2014 - Kowno, Karaliaus Mindaugo prospektas.

Author: 16v RSS
Place: Kaunas (Kauno apskritis) | Owner: KA Kaunas | Route: 10

Volvo B10B-55 / Berkhof 2000NL #727

30 april 2017 - Kaunas, bus depot. In eastern countries oftenly carriers store withdrawn buses - for spare parts or even with option to get them back on the streets. I wish I went here when I was in Kaunas for the first time - surely there were a lot of Ikarus stored here. Now they keep dutch generation which was replaced by Van Hool and MAN Lion`s City buses.

Author: empilimiteredytordriver RSS

Volvo B10B-55 / Berkhof 2000NL #726

3 may 2017 - Kaunas, Linkuvos gatvė.

Author: empilimiteredytordriver RSS
Place: Kaunas (Kauno apskritis) | Owner: KA Kaunas | Transport Authority: KVT Kaunas | Route: 23

Volvo B10B / Berkhof 2000NL #734

5 october 2012 - Kaunas, Partizanų gatvė.

Author: Gumiśedytor RSS
Place: Kaunas (Kauno apskritis) | Owner: KA Kaunas | Route: 10

Comments: 1

Volvo B10B / Berkhof 2000NL #734

27 april 2012 - Kaunas, Tvirtovės al.

Author: gofkond RSS
Place: Kaunas (Kauno apskritis) | Owner: KA Kaunas | Route: 3

Volvo B10B / Berkhof 2000NL #729

27 april 2012 - Kowno, ul. Euwego.

Author: gofkond RSS
Place: Kaunas (Kauno apskritis) | Owner: KA Kaunas | Route: 3

Volvo B10B / Berkhof 2000NL #731

27 april 2012 - Kaunas, Neries krantinė.

Volvo B10B-55 / Berkhof 2000NL #725

10 july 2009 - Kaunas, Savanorių prospektas.

Author: empilimiteredytordriver RSS
Place: Kaunas (Kauno apskritis) | Owner: KA Kaunas | Transport Authority: KVT Kaunas | Route: 35

Volvo B10B-55 / Berkhof 2000NL #721

10 july 2009 - Kaunas, Utenos gatvė. Kowieńskie Autobusy zostały niedawno zasilone pokaźną partią wszelkiej maści standardowych holenderskich pojazdów.

Author: empilimiteredytordriver RSS
Place: Kaunas (Kauno apskritis) | Owner: KA Kaunas | Transport Authority: KVT Kaunas | Route: 3

Comments: 1

Volvo B10B / Berkhof 2000NL #730

16 september 2008 - Savanorių av. - Kaunas



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