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De Gule Busser I/S

Operators Details

NameDe Gule Busser I/S
ShortcutDe Gule Busser
Operators AttributesRegular Bus Operator
Other InformationDe Gule Busser I/S seized its activities on 31 March 1980 and the routes and rolling stock was taken over from 1 April 1980 by Hovedstadsområdets Trafikselskab.

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List Of Vehicles

Current fleet

Historic Fleet

Vehicle NumbersModel NameManufacturerBodyChassisEngineGearbox
Year Of GetYear Of RemovePhotos
2003-2024 DAB LS 575-680/2 (1)DABDAB Serie IVLeyland LS 575-680/2Leyland EO.680Wilson GB.391 semi automatic19771980No Photo0/2
2004-2019 DAB LS 575-690/2DABDAB Serie IVLeyland LS 575-690/2Leyland EO.690Wilson GB.391 semi automatic19781980No Photo0/6
2002-2020 DAB LIDRT 12/2DABDAB Serie IILeyland LIDRT 12/2Leyland EO.680Wilson GB.39 semi automatic19731980No Photo0/3
2001-2018 FIAT 308 / RingstedRingstedFIAT 308FIAT 8200.12? 5-gear manual19701980No Photo0/6
Unknown ?Volvo B58-55 / Aabenraa M67AabenraaAabenraa M67Volvo B5819741978No Photo0/1
2021-2023 FIAT 418 AL / RingstedRingstedFIAT 418FIAT 8200.12Allison MT64519761980No Photo0/3
2012-2017 FIAT 418 AL / RingstedRingstedFIAT 418FIAT 8200.12Allison MT64419751980No Photo0/3