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Boston Elevated Railway (1885-1947)

Operators Details

NameBoston Elevated Railway (1885-1947)
Operators AttributesTram OperatorTrolleybus OperatorSubway Operator
Other Information1885: Formed as West End Street Railway, operating horse trams (horsecars)
1889: Began electric tram (trolley) operations
1897: Renamed to Boston Elevated Railway, opened first grade-separated tram line (the Tremont Street Subway)
1922: Began bus operations
1936: Began trolleybus operations
1947: Taken over by Metropolitan Transit Authority (since 1964 - Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority)

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Historic Fleet

Vehicle NumbersModel NameManufacturerBodyChassisEngineGearbox
Year Of GetYear Of RemovePhotos
3001 PCCSt. LouisMultiple PCCMultiple PCC19371947No Photo0/1
3087-3268 PCCPullmanMultiple PCCMultiple PCC19451947No Photo0/10
3279 BER Line carBERTechnical Service tram19121947No Photo0/1
5734 Brill 4-axle streetcarBrillMiscellaneous 4-axle tram19241947No Photo0/1