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Pittsburgh Railways (1902-64)

Operators Details

NamePittsburgh Railways (1902-64)
Operators AttributesTram OperatorRegular Bus Operator

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List Of Vehicles

Current fleet

Historic Fleet

Vehicle NumbersModel NameManufacturerBodyChassisEngineGearbox
Year Of GetYear Of RemovePhotos
1467-1739 PCCSt. LouisMultiple PCCMultiple PCC19411964No Photo0/5
3487-4398 St. Louis 4-axle streetcarSt. LouisMiscellaneous 4-axle tram19051956No Photo0/2
M200 4-axle streetcarPressed SteelMiscellaneous 4-axle tram19111964No Photo0/1
M283 CraneDifferentialTechnical Service tram19291964No Photo0/1
M551 Dump carDifferentialTechnical Service tram19221964No Photo0/1
101 John Stephenson HorsecarJohn StephensonMiscellaneous 2-axle tram19021934No Photo0/1
M37 Snow-sweeper tram?Technical Snow-sweeper tram?1964No Photo0/1
M210 Pittsburgh Tower carPittsburgh RailwaysTechnical Service tram19401964No Photo0/1