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Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad (1891-1963)

Operators Details

NameChicago North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad (1891-1963)
Operators AttributesTram Operator
Other InformationOperated electric interurban service between Chicago and Milwaukee. Until 1916 known as Chicago and Milwaukee Electric Railroad.

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List Of Vehicles

Current fleet

Historic Fleet

Vehicle NumbersModel NameManufacturerBodyChassisEngineGearbox
Year Of GetYear Of RemovePhotos
160 Brill Interurban carBrillMiscellaneous Interurban car19151963No Photo0/1
251 Jewett Interurban combine carJewettMiscellaneous Interurban car19171963No Photo0/1
229 Cincinnati Box MotorCincinnati CarMiscellaneous 4-axle tram19221963No Photo0/1
749 Pullman Interurban carPullmanMiscellaneous Interurban car19281963No Photo0/1
604 CNS&M Line carCNS&MTechnical Service tram19141963No Photo0/1
715 Cincinnati Interurban carCincinnati CarMiscellaneous Interurban car19261963No Photo0/1
756 Standard Steel Interurban carStandard SteelMiscellaneous Interurban car19301963No Photo0/1