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Arver Lastbilar AB

Operators Details

NameArver Lastbilar AB
Operators AttributesTrader

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List Of Vehicles

Current fleet

Vehicle NumbersModel NameManufacturerBodyChassisEngineGearbox
Year Of GetYear Of RemovePhotos
AUK 093-AUK 112 Scania CL94UB 4x2 LB CNGScaniaScania OmniLink (4-series)Scania L94UBScania OC9 G02 260ZF 5HP502C2021-No Photo2/2
XSS 596-XST 186 Scania CK310UB 6x2 LBScaniaScania OmniLink (K-series)Scania K UB 6x2 LBScania DC9 18 3102020-No Photo4/4
UMZ 773-UOM 433 Scania CK230UB 4x2 LBScaniaScania OmniLink (K-series)Scania K UB 4x2 LBScania DC9 16 2302020-No Photo2/2

Historic Fleet

Vehicle NumbersModel NameManufacturerBodyChassisEngineGearbox
Year Of GetYear Of RemovePhotos
S-6EHY Scania CK280UB 4x2 LB E95ScaniaScania Citywide LEZF 6 AP 1200 B EcoLife20192021No Photo0/1
BWU 977 Scania CK320UB 6x2 LBScaniaScania OmniLink (K-series)Scania K UB 6x2 LBScania DC9 32 320ZF 6HP604C20212022No Photo0/1
RCZ 775 Scania CN280UB 4x2 EBScaniaScania OmniCity (N-series)Scania DC09 113 280ZF 6HP604C20202020No Photo0/1