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Operators Details

Operators Attributes
Other InformationBadgerline was a bus operator in and around Bristol from 1985 until 2003. It also became the basis for a large group of bus operators.

The name Badgerline was born in 1985 as the name for Bristol Country Bus, a company that was a division of Bristol Omnibus Company after National Bus Company had split the Bristol Omnibus operations in the west of England in 1983. Bristol Country Bus was responsible for operating buses in Bath, Somerset and Wiltshire.

In September 1986 Badgerline was privatised. Badgerline took a stake in Western National in 1987, a former National Bus Company operator around Plymouth and in Cornwall. A year later Badgerline Group purchased another former National Bus Company operator, Midland Red West. 1990 saw Eastern National, South Wales Transport and Wessex Coaches being purchased by Badgerline Group.

In 1993 Badgerline Group floated on the stock exchange. The following year, 1994, the group bought Potteries Motor Traction (including Crosville Motor Services) and Yorkshire Rider.

In 1995 Badgerline Group merged with the GRT Group of Aberdeen in Scotland which led to the formation of FirstBus on 16 June 1995.

In 1996, the Badgerline bus operation, as part of First Group, was merged back into Bristol Omnibus, although Badgerline was retained as a trading name until 2003. This fleet can be found on the First Bristol page.

This page is purely for Badgerline buses (1985-1996), not for the entire Badgerline Group.

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Historic Fleet

Vehicle NumbersModel NameManufacturerBodyChassisEngineGearbox
Year Of GetYear Of RemovePhotos
131 Volvo B10M / Plaxton Expressliner IIPlaxtonPlaxton PremiereVolvo B10M 4x2 (1M)19941996No Photo0/1