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Ikarus 256 #ХА 827 26

17 august 2009 - This Ikarus was the only one, found in the local PATP. Others are already scrapped, this one - gets ready...

ЛиАЗ 677М #Х 267 ВО 26

17 august 2009 - Inside of LiAZ-677M #Х 267 ВО 26. Buses, produced in Yakhroma, besides of the colour scheme and the production year differ from the buses from Likino with other material upholstery seats - it is more matt and lighter. This bus stayed at its last parking for one year, robbed out by vandals - it is the reason of the really awful condition.

Comments: 6

ЛиАЗ 677М #Х 267 ВО 26

17 august 2009 - Georgievsk, PATP. The last stop of the last LiAZ and the last LAZ there. Of course, it's easier to buy several little PAZes and to transport 1.5 passengers...

Comments: 7



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