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ЛАЗ-699Р #М 597 СН 26

21 august 2010 - Lermontov, bus depot. LAZ-699R #M 597 CM 26

Comments: 1

МАРЗ 5277 #ЕА 036 26

19 august 2009 - MARZ-5277 #ЕА 036 26 in Lermontov, carrying a special trip. Now the '03 MARZes are not used on Yessentuki routes - local operator has got enough better buses

Comments: 4

Таджикистан 3205 #Е 233 РА 26

19 august 2009 - Таджикистан-3205 at the territoy of МУП "Городское автохозяйство". In Soviet epoch Lermontov was a secret town, where the uranium for the nuclear weapons and atomic electrostations was mined. The factory in the another Soviet secret town - Leninabad-30 (Chkalovsk, nowadays - Hodjant) in Tajikistan produced such buses on the ZIL chassis. Now the mines are explosed, Tajikistan is an independent country, and the local transport operator is more dead, then alive. The picture of the modern time...

Comments: 9

Ikarus 260.43 #ЕВ 734 26

august 2008 - Ikarus 260.43 from Autokolonna 2066 in Lermontov

Comments: 4



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