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Leyland LB5 / Dodson #XU 7498

4 may 1989 - Brighton Road, Crawley, UK: The annual London to Brighton rally for commercial vehicles always produces a few buses often not seen before, like this 1924 Leyland of the Chocolate Express company, one of over 200 "pirate" bus operators that ran alongside the main London General company in the 1920s. These companies were closed down by new laws in 1934 and this bus disappeared, only to be found derelict on a farm in Norfolk in 1984, rescued and fully restored. It always amuses me to see an historic vehicle broken down - a large crowd of people instantly forms and just gets in the way, none of whom have the faintest idea what the problem is, but all with an opinion.

Author: dvigaredytor RSS
Place: Crawley (South East England) | Owner: LBPT Cobham | Transport Authority: Private owner



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