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Società Autobus Servizi D`Area, S.p.A./

Miscellaneous 2-axle tram #12

26 march 2011 - Soprabolzano (IT) – Maria Assunta/Himmelfahrt. A TWB debut. The Ferrovia del Renon/Rittnerbahn is a delightful, metre-gauge light railway that links several villages on a mountain plateau above Bolzano. This began life as a street tramway in central Bolzano, then climbing on a rack with the aid of ‘pusher’ locomotives, over 1000 metres to Soprabolzano, where a conventional 6.5km long track began. The lower section and rack closed in 1966, but the upper section survives, now linked to Bolzano by a cable gondola. This is one of the original 1907 cars, still in regular use.
Author: dvigar
Comments: 3



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