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Keolis Nederland BV/

BYD K9UE #2319

5 february 2021 - Arnhem, Bothaplein. These BYD buses were introduced in December 2020 with the launch of the new concession, operating under the name RRReis (Journey). This type is used on the `comfort` services C1 and C2. This bus is seen on service C2 to Apeldoorn, which was previously known as service 91.
Author: ChrisGBNL

BYD K9UE #2320

5 february 2021 - Arnhem, Paul Krugerstraat. These BYD buses were introduced in December 2020 with the launch of the new concession, operating under the name RRReis (Journey). This type is used on the `comfort` services C1 and C2. This bus is seen on service C2 to Apeldoorn, which was previously known as service 91.
Author: ChrisGBNL



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