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Bogie tram #601

20 february 2010 - Alexandria, Mustafa Kamel depot. And at the end of our trip around this depot - a historical tramcar, which you can ride along route number 1 for one Egyptian pound. Sadly - the tram had a problem with its bogies whilst we were there so we couldn't take a ride with it.

Kinki Sharyo #156

20 february 2010 - Alexandria, Mustafa Kamel depot. This hall had really lovely lighting - windows almost on the roof, covered in red foil. And a three-car tram hoisted on the jacks.

Kinki Sharyo DD #?

20 february 2010 - Alexandria, Mustafa Kamel depot. Somewhere in the spare parts section in the back of the hall we discovered that some workers have some hidden talents.

Kinki Sharyo #185

20 february 2010 - Alexandria, Mustafa Kamel depot. Apologies for the pantograph, but the light... I couldn't resist.

Kinki Sharyo #172

20 february 2010 - Alexandria, Mustafa Kamel depot. Deeper in the depot building we found a car on jacks. As you can see the floor of the depot looks like a farmyard soaked with oil.

Kinki Sharyo #166

20 february 2010 - Alexandria, Mustafa Kamel depot. And back to looking at Alexandria depots - now we're in the Ramleh lines depot. Because Egypt is a rather warm country, the depots are rather dark on the inside - thanks to which there are dramatic light conditions inside.



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