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Solaris Urbino 12 LE #25457
Author: Øyvind Berg nbcenzoredytorRSS (820)
Uploaded: 2009-05-04 22:52:25
Width: 900, Height: 600
File size: 196.70kB
2 june 2008 - Trondheim, Vegamot, Voll gård. This bus was at that time on test for Team Trafikk, and on that day I got to try a Solaris for the first time as a passenger. I was downtown when I found out that they had put it on one of the routes I could take to my flat. And this was on the longest route of them all, which was a great opportunity for testing it. In general I liked it just as good as any other comparable bus I've tried, but there were two things that annoyed me. The DAF engine was way too loud, and had a pitch that was more annoying than other engines I'm used to. The other thing I didn't like was that the alarm sounds when the doors were closing were way too loud. They were almost hurting in my ears. But I guess this can be adjusted. Other than that I like the looks of these buses, and the Jamnik character is really nice, giving them a lot more personality than other buses. The picture was taken after I leaped out of it just outside my flat.
en gt


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