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Search Photos

Jelcz 120MM/2 #143

7 june 2006 - Katowice - Giszowiec, ul. Przyjazna.

Author: Paul167edytor RSS
Place: Katowice (Śląskie) | Owner: PKM Katowice | Transport Authority: KZK GOP | Route: 72

Jelcz 120MM/2 #144

19 november 2005 - Katowice - Nikiszowiec, ul. Zamkowa.

Author: Janusz Rogoń RSS
Place: Katowice (Śląskie) | Owner: PKM Katowice | Transport Authority: KZK GOP | Route: 72

Comments: 1

Jelcz M125M #190

28 april 2005 - Siemianowice Śl. - Michałkowice, ul. Bytomska (Szyb Północny).

Author: Janusz Rogoń RSS
Place: Siemianowice Śląskie (Śląskie) | Owner: PKM Katowice | Transport Authority: KZK GOP | Route: 72

Volvo B10M / Wiima K202 #93

19 august 2003 - Helsinki, Karhusuontie

Author: Katjaedytor RSS
Place: Helsinki (Uusimaa) | Owner: STA Helsinki | Transport Authority: HKL | Route: 72

Volvo B10BLE 6x2 / Carrus City L #152

19 august 2003 - Helsinki, Hakaniemi. This belongs to serie #150 - #154. One of them burned up few years ago :(

Author: Katjaedytor RSS
Place: Helsinki (Uusimaa) | Owner: STA Helsinki | Transport Authority: HKL | Route: 72

Comments: 3



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