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Search Photos

CAF / Siemens Articulado #501

29 january 2011 - Lisboa, Rua Da Junqueira.

Volvo B10MA / Camo Cronus Artic #1566

28 january 2011 - Lisboa, Avenida 24 de Julho.

Carris Remodelado #565

28 january 2011 - Lisboa, Calçada da Estrela.

Carris Remodelado #562

15 december 2012 - Lizbona, Rua dos Poiais de São Bento. Dawno niewidziane przeze mnie winogrona.

Author: GKedytor RSS

Comments: 2

Mercedes-Benz OC500LE / Irmãos Mota Atomic Urbis #4252

15 december 2012 - Lizbona, Praça São João Bosco. ... ale miasto Gdańsk zamierza wyprzedzić dotychczasowych liderów stawiając 600 metrów bieżących autobusów na ulicy w centrum miasta. Więcej: http://tinyurl.com/pomroczny-zdiz

Author: GKedytor RSS

Comments: 6

Volvo B7RLE / Marcopolo Viale #1732

15 december 2012 - Lizbona, Praça São João Bosco, przed murem cmentarnym. Moda na nieprojektowanie pętli nie jest nowa...

Author: GKedytor RSS

CAM Elevador da Lavra #1

27 january 2011 - Lisboa, Calçada do Lavra.

Comments: 7

Carris Remodelado #565

26 january 2011 - Lisboa, Rua Alfândega.

Carris Remodelado #565

28 january 2011 - Lisboa, Calçada Ajuda.

Mercedes-Benz O530G II #4604

24 september 2008 - Lisboa, Praça do Comércio. Citaro G presentation.

Volvo B10MA / Camo Cronus Artic #1554

21 november 2011 - Oeiras, Carris depot. CCFL1554 with Vodafone Mexefest festival advertising

MAN 18.310 HOCL-NL / Caetano City Gold #2299

21 march 2012 - Oeiras, Carris depot. Carris 2299 is a movie star :)

Carris Remodelado #541

28 january 2011 - Lisboa, Praça Duque da Terceira. Remodelado przeciska się pomiędzy blachosmrodami nieużywanym liniowo łukiem.

Mercedes-Benz O530 #791

8 october 2012 - TST 791, Alcântara (Lisboa).

Author: jarimba RSS

MAN 18.310 HOCL-NL / Marcopolo Viale #512

1 october 2012 - TST 512, Alcântara (Lisboa).

Author: jarimba RSS

Mercedes O550L #159

1 october 2012 - TST 159, Alcântara (Lisboa).

Author: jarimba RSS

DAF SB3000WS Irmãos Mota Atomic MK IX #897

1 october 2012 - TST 897, Alcântara (Lisboa).

Author: jarimba RSS

Carris Remodelado #564

6 september 2010 - Lizbona, Calçada da Ajuda. Osiemnastka wspina się w kierunku Ajudy.

Author: wgtram RSS

Comments: 3

Mercedes-Benz O408 #335

13 september 2012 - TST 335, Alcântara (Lisboa).

Author: jarimba RSS

MAN 18.280 HOCL-NL / Caetano City Gold #2438

29 january 2011 - Lisboa, Oriente.

CAM Elevador da Gloria #1

27 january 2011 - Lisboa, Calçada da Glória.

Comments: 2

Carris Remodelado #580

28 january 2011 - Lisboa, Calçada Boa Hora.

Siemens-Sorefame ML95 #M-270

27 january 2011 - Lisboa, Intendente.

Freight tram

25 january 2011 - Lisboa, Calçada da Estrela. Foto z cyklu OKT! Efekt nocnego włóczęgostwa po torowiskach wyłączonych z eksploatacji.

Nie znalazłem podobnego pojazdu w bazie, więc będę wdzięczny za jakiekolwiek sugestie.

Comments: 1

Carris Remodelado #580

27 january 2011 - Lisboa, Travessa São Tomé.

Comments: 6

Mercedes-Benz O408 #572

13 september 2012 - TST 572, Alcântara (Lisboa).

Author: jarimba RSS

DAF SB3000WS Irmãos Mota Atomic MK IX #899

5 september 2012 - TST 899, Praça de Espanha (Lisboa).

Author: jarimba RSS

Mercedes-Benz O407 #340

30 august 2012 - TST 340, Praça de Espanha (Lisboa).

Author: jarimba RSS

Volvo B7RLE / Caetano City Gold CB512 #1777

26 august 2012 - Lizbona, Avenida Duque de Louie. Nietypowe miejsce postoju z uwagi na dzisiejszy wyścig rowerowy.

Author: GKedytor RSS

Comments: 6

Mercedes-Benz OC500LE / Irmãos Mota Atomic Urbis #4261

26 august 2012 - Lizbona, Avenida Duque de Louie. Sympatyczny owoc trudnej miłości pani Mercedes i lokalnego karosera. Dziś nie dojedzie do Ronda Markeza de Pombal z uwagi na wyścig rowerowy zaczynający się właśnie na im.

Author: GKedytor RSS

MAN 18.310 HOCL-NL / Caetano City Gold #2225

26 august 2012 - Lizbona, Rua Dom Luis I.

Author: GKedytor RSS

Smart ForTwo #19-53-VT

21 august 2012 - Lizbona, Rua da Conceicao. Stricte dokumentalne zdjęcie pogota miejscowego przedsiębiorstwa transportowego. W zatrzymaniu utkwiło 7-8 wagonów jadących w kierunku zamku. Witam w nowym mieście, przez najbliższych kilka lat będę katował Was knotami z tych okolic.:) Jakieś życzenia?

Author: GKedytor RSS

Comments: 7

Setra S315 NF #462

16 july 2012 - TST 462, Praça de Espanha (Lisboa).

Author: jarimba RSS

Camo Minerva #888

25 june 2012 - TST 888, Gare do Oriente (Lisboa).

Author: jarimba RSS

Setra S319 UL-GT #444

18 april 2012 - TST 444, Gare do Oriente (Lisboa).

Author: jarimba RSS

Ayats Atlantis #1061

7 february 2010 - Lizbona, dworzec Oriente.

Scania Irizar PB #6437 CBT

7 february 2010 - Lizbona, dworzec Oriente. Irizar obsługujący nocne 630-kilometrowe połączenie do Madrytu.

Author: strasznynewserlimiteredytordriver RSS

Comments: 2

Scania / Marcopolo Viaggio GII #07-HH-07

7 february 2010 - Lizbona, dworzec Oriente.

Author: strasznynewserlimiteredytordriver RSS

Mercedes O303-15KHP #909

6 may 2011 - TST 909, Gare do Oriente.

Author: jarimba RSS

Sunsundegui Sideral 2000 #9835

july 2006 - Lisboa, Belém. A Sunsundegui Sideral from EVA Transportes near the waterfront.

Comments: 1

Mercedes OC500RF / Irizar PB #135

july 2006 - Lisboa, Avenida de Brasília. Irizar PB from Feirense in a colorful paiting scheme,

Mercedes-Benz O530 #785

21 march 2012 - TST 785 at Lisbon Praça de Espanha resting

Mercedes-Benz O550 #200

21 may 2012 - TST 200, Moscavide.

Author: jarimba RSS

Comments: 1

Mercedes-Benz O405G / Irmãos Mota Atomic UR2000 #243

16 may 2012 - Vimeca 243, Pontinha.

Author: jarimba RSS

Carris (Maley & Taunton) #735

28 january 2011 - Lizbona, zajezdnia.

Mercedes-Benz O550 #199

26 march 2012 - TST 199, Praça de Espanha (Lisboa).

Author: jarimba RSS

Volvo B10R / GAF #3040

4 february 2010 - Lizbona (Portugalia), Rua do Arsenal.

Sorefame / Siemens Articulado #510

8 september 2010 - Lisboa, Rua dos Fanqueiros. Nowoczesny, jak na lizbońskie standardy, wagon #510 spokojnie przemierzał odbudowaną po wielkim trzęsieniu ziemii dzielnicę Baixa Pombalina aż natrafił na zaparkowane w skrajni auto. Takie krótsze lub dłuższe zatrzymania spowodowane przez niefrasobliwych kierowców to w Lizbonie niemal norma. Co ciekawe zdarzają się one także w komunikacji autobusowej...

Carris Remodelado #577

1 december 2011 - Lizbona, Largo da Se / Se Catedral de Lisboa.

Carris Remodelado #550

1 december 2011 - Lizbona, Rua de São Tomé. Prawie jak w składzie.

Carris Remodelado #544

21 march 2010 - Lisboa (PT) – Rua de Sao Tome. Car #544 negotiates the ridiculously narrow streets of Sao Tome, where a frequent service of trams runs in both directions! This street is also open to motor traffic, which leads to some interesting ‘meets’.

Author: dvigaredytor RSS

Carris (Maley & Taunton) #735

20 march 2010 - Lisboa (PT) – Calcada de Santo Andre. One of the very narrow streets which form the famous Graca circle. This tram is not a ‘remodolado’, but is largely in original condition. It runs on a British Maley and Taunton truck and has Metrovick motors, although the body was built locally in the Carris workshops. It has only a trolley pole.

Author: dvigaredytor RSS

Comments: 3

Carris Remodelado #550

22 march 2010 - Lisboa (PT) – Calcada Nova de Sao Francisco. A ‘remodolado’ car on Line 28 claws its way up the final few yards of the fearsome hill out of central Lisbon. This tram dates from 1935 but was one of a number that were extensively rebuilt (‘remodolado’) in he late 1980s. They now have Skoda motors and powerful air brakes and can run anywhere on the Lisboa system, being equipped with both trolley pole (for the narrow streets in the Alfama district) and pantograph.

Author: dvigaredytor RSS

Comments: 1

Brill (Carris) #330

20 march 2010 - Lisboa (PT) – Rua Sacadura Cabral. Inside #330. The cane rattan seats are typical of American-built trams of this period, but this tram has a more unusual feature – the walls slide up into the roof to create an open-sided car for use in summer time, so the interior is distinctly tunnel-shaped. These ‘convertible’ cars were once something of a Portuguese speciality and a few still remain in Lisboa and Porto.

Author: dvigaredytor RSS

Brill (Carris) #330

20 march 2010 - Lisboa (PT) – Rua Sacadura Cabral. One of the last remaining four-axle cars in the Carris system, this 1906 Brill is a bit like me – it doesn’t get out much. We are also both a bit old and fragile, so can’t go up steep hills, so this tram is confined to just the flat coastal line between Lisboa and Cruz Quebrada.

Author: dvigaredytor RSS

Comments: 2

MAN 18.400 HOCL / Caetano CTN060d Winner #0414

7 february 2010 - Lizbona, Praca Humberto Delgado.

Mercedes-Benz O530G II #4608

9 february 2011 - Lizbona, Rua da Alfandega.

Author: Bananedytor RSS

Mercedes-Benz O530 #785

13 may 2011 - TST 785, Praça de Espanha (Lisboa). Um dos 3 O530 que receberam estofos novos, destinado a fazer a carreira 162 Praça de Espanha (Lisboa) - Quinta do Brasileiro (Corroios).

Author: jarimba RSS

Volvo B7RLE / Caetano City Gold CB512 #1758

4 february 2010 - Lizbona, Praca do Comercio.

Author: strasznynewserlimiteredytordriver RSS

Volvo B7RLE / Caetano City Gold CB512 #1746

4 february 2010 - Lizbona, Praca do Comercio.

Author: strasznynewserlimiteredytordriver RSS



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