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DAF SB250 / Berkhof Premier AT18 #5221

16 january 2011 - Berkhof Premier trolleybus 5221 at the new terminus Presikhaaf.

Author: Hugo Buss RSS
Place: Arnhem (Gelderland) | Owner: Novio Nijmegen | Transport Authority: SRAN | Route: 5

VDL Berkhof Ambassador ALE-120 #8703

16 january 2011 - Ambassador 8703 passing the Rhine Dike on it's way to Heteren. The water in the Rhine is standing rather high.

Comments: 2

VDL Berkhof Ambassador ALE-120 #8697

16 january 2011 - Breng 8697 is passing on the Rhine dike near Arnhem.

Berkhof Ambassador ALE-120 #1753

26 december 2010 - Breng 1753 at the terminus of line 1 in Oosterbeek.

Author: Hugo Buss RSS

Hess BGT-N2C #5241

23 december 2010 - Hess 5241 is seen on it`s way from Velp to Burgers Zoo. Picture is taken in Velp on the Arnhemsestraatweg.

Author: Hugo Buss RSS
Place: Arnhem (Gelderland) | Owner: Novio Nijmegen | Transport Authority: SRAN | Route: 3

Berkhof Ambassador ALE-120 #8249

5 july 2010 - Arnhem (NL), Stationplein.

VDL Berkhof Ambassador ALE-120 #5011

5 july 2010 - Arnhem (NL), Willemsplein.

Author: Jarosznewseredytor RSS

DAF SB250 / Berkhof Premier AT18 #5226

16 october 2010 - 5226 is seen on line 7, heading for the southern part of the city.

Author: Hugo Buss RSS
Place: Arnhem (Gelderland) | Owner: Novio Nijmegen | Transport Authority: SRAN | Route: 7

Volvo B10M-58E / Den Oudsten B88 #5180

13 november 2010 - Breng 5180 is seen on the only trolleyline totally operated with Volvo trolleys (they only need 1 trolleybus). On November 13 it was 5180.

Author: Hugo Buss RSS
Place: Arnhem (Gelderland) | Owner: Novio Nijmegen | Transport Authority: SRAN | Route: 2

Volvo B10M-58E / Den Oudsten B88 #5182

19 november 2010 - Breng 5182 is one of the 3 Volvo trolleybuses that are still in use. 5177 and 5180 for passenger services and this 5182 only for instruction. Like on this picture at Arnhem Station.

Hess BGT-N2C #5234

5 july 2010 - Arnhem (NL), Utrechtsestraat. Hess na tle placu budowy nowego dworca kolejowego. Czarny budynek za trolejbusem to wielopoziomowy parking, na dole którego mieści się Busstation czyli jeden z głównych węzłów arnhemskiej komunikacji.

Author: Jarosznewseredytor RSS
Place: Arnhem (Gelderland) | Owner: Novio Nijmegen | Transport Authority: SRAN | Route: 3

Hess BGT-N2C #5239

5 july 2010 - Arnhem (NL), Lange Water. We wschodniej części miasta, na swym ostatnim odcinku, 5-tka rozdziela się na dwa odgałęzienia. Kursujące co 10 min. trolejbusy na przemian kończą bieg na pętli Elswerde lub Presikhaaf. Tu widzimy to pierwsze odgałęzienie.

Author: Jarosznewseredytor RSS
Place: Arnhem (Gelderland) | Owner: Novio Nijmegen | Transport Authority: SRAN | Route: 5

DAF SB250 / Berkhof Premier AT18 #5231

5 july 2010 - Arnhem (NL), Brabantsweg. Piątka ruszyła kilkaset metrów z pętli De Laar West (kierowca zapomniał zmienić film) i teraz jedzie główną ulicą tego osiedla. W kraju d. RWPG stały by na takim osiedlu kilkunastopiętrowe bloki, a przegubowce pękały by w szwach. Tu mamy głównie zabudowę 1-2 piętrową, więc i frekwencja jest proporcjonalnie niższa.

Author: Jarosznewseredytor RSS
Place: Arnhem (Gelderland) | Owner: Novio Nijmegen | Transport Authority: SRAN | Route: 5

DAF SB250 / Berkhof Premier AT18 #5220

5 july 2010 - Arnhem (NL), Eldenesweg. Jedną z atrakcji arnhemskiej sieci trolejbusowej jest całkowicie wydzielony buspas, biegnący wzdłuż przelotowej trasy, łączącej rodzielone rzeką dwie części miasta. Piątka zaraz skręci w prawo i dalej już będzie jechać w klasyczny sposób. Na wprost jeździ siódemka, która korzysta z ekskluzywnej jezdni na dłuższym odcinku.

Author: Jarosznewseredytor RSS
Place: Arnhem (Gelderland) | Owner: Novio Nijmegen | Transport Authority: SRAN | Route: 5

Comments: 1

DAF SB250 / Berkhof Premier AT18 #5218

5 july 2010 - Arnhem (NL), Kronenburgbusbaan, czyli Kronenburski Pas Autobusowy ;) [Kronenburg to nazwa osiedla]. Siódemka wraca do centrum z pętli Rijkerswoerd.

Author: Jarosznewseredytor RSS
Place: Arnhem (Gelderland) | Owner: Novio Nijmegen | Transport Authority: SRAN | Route: 7

DAF SB250 / Berkhof Premier AT18 #5212

5 july 2010 - Arnhem (NL), Velperplein. W tym 147-tys. mieście funkcjonuje ostatni w Beneluksie system trolejbusowy. Jego przyszłość wydaje się być świetlana: kupowany jest nowy tabor (ostatnio 9 Hessów), powiększa się zasięg sieci (w 2009 reaktywowano linie 2, w grudniu 2010 uruchomiony zostanie nowy odcinek do Schuytgraaf.

Author: Jarosznewseredytor RSS
Place: Arnhem (Gelderland) | Owner: Novio Nijmegen | Transport Authority: SRAN | Route: 7

Hess BGT-N2C #5239

15 august 2010 - Hess SwissTrolley 5239 is seen on it`s way from Alteveer to Velp, passing Bothaplein.

Author: Hugo Buss RSS
Place: Arnhem (Gelderland) | Owner: Novio Nijmegen | Transport Authority: SRAN | Route: 3

Comments: 2

Volvo B10MA / Den Oudsten B88 #VK-27-ZZ

20 august 2010 - Juijn VK-27-ZZ (ex-GVU 555) is seen on a rail replacement service in Arnhem.

Hess BGT-N2C #5242

5 july 2010 - Arnhem (NL), Willemsplein. Jeden z dziewieciu najnowszych pojazdow obslugujacych ostatnia siec trolejbusowa Beneluxu. Przybyly jesienia 2009, pozwalajac na wycofanie niemal wszystkich Den Oudstenow B88. A co za tym idzie, udzial przegubowcow zwiekszyl sie tu do niemal 100%.

Author: Jarosznewseredytor RSS
Place: Arnhem (Gelderland) | Owner: Novio Nijmegen | Transport Authority: SRAN | Route: 5

Comments: 4

DAF ATI 2300 Turbo #VT 25 YG

22 january 2009 - Arnhem, troleybase at Rietgrachtstraat. Nice colours.

Comments: 4

Van Hool AG300TD / Kiepe #5201

11 april 2009 - Interior of 5201.

Van Hool AG300TD / Kiepe #5201

11 april 2009 - On April the 11th, our DUO-bus got some problems again. Here we are waiting for the technical assistence as younger brother 5222 passes towards Geitenkamp.

Author: Hugo Buss RSS

Comments: 3

VDL Berkhof Ambassador ALE-120 #8817

22 march 2009 - Connexxion 8817 is on it's way from Presikhaaf to Elderveld as it passes Bothaplein.

Comments: 2

Mercedes-Benz O530G #9153

11 april 2009 - Connexxion 9153, Arnhem Lange Water.

Author: Hugo Buss RSS

Comments: 1

Mercedes-Benz O530G #9153

11 april 2009 - Connexxion 9153 is seen at Arnhem, Esdoornlaan.

Author: Hugo Buss RSS

Volvo B10M-58 / Den Oudsten B88 #3025

22 january 2009 - Arnhem, Westervoortsedijk, bus base, I think in this place stays vehicles purposed to mend, because this troley has got a big graffiti on the left side under the windows. I don't know what this adwertisement exactly means, but it's very nice.

Comments: 2

DAF SB220LF/Berkhof ST2000NLF #2406

22 january 2009 - Arnhem, w Holandii, Oranjewachtstraat -> Eusebiusbuitensingel, dodaje jako dokumentacje, tak jak kilka następnych, pogoda była wtedy wyjątkowo wredna.

DAF DM580 / Den Oudsten B95 #2322

5 january 2009 - Connexxion 2322 at the turning point 'Alteveer', just before dawn...

Comments: 3

Solaris Trollino 18AC #3801

6 november 2007 - The 3801 during a special 'night excursion', seen at the station of Oosterbeek, turning point line 1.

Solaris Trollino 18AC #3801

6 november 2007 - The 3801 in front of the station in Arnhem.

Comments: 3

Solaris Trollino 18AC #3801

6 november 2007 - DP Ostrava 3801 is in Arnhem for some test-drives for Connexxion. Maybe this will be the new trolleybuses to replace the Volvo-Den Oudsten ones from 1990...

Comments: 1

BUT 9721T / Verheul #101

5 august 2007 - This year 'our' 101 is driving on each sunday in august and september. The bus is seen on the Bothaplein in Arnhem.

Karosa C956.1074 #BR-DV-39

2 july 2007 - A not very common type of bus in Holland. This Irisbus Axer, which is in use as a training bus.

Comments: 1

Volvo B10M-58E / Den Oudsten B88 #0177

14 june 2007 - Connexxion 0177 is on it's way from Central Station to Burgers' Zoo and passes on the Graaf Ottoplein.

VDL Berkhof Ambassador ALE-120 #8692

26 april 2007 - Connexxion 8692 has just left Arnhem and is seen on the Rhine-dike.

Comments: 2

Berkhof Premier AT18 / Alstom #0229

26 april 2007 - Connexxion 0229 is seen, passing the John Frostbridge, also known as the 'bridge too far'.

Comments: 5

IVECO 391.E.12.29A / Den Oudsten B89 #1295

2 may 2007 - Connexxion 1295 is on it's way from Arnhem to Driel and passes just before Driel on the Rhine-dike.

Comments: 1

Berkhof Premier AT18 / Alstom #0230

28 april 2007 - Connexxion 0230 is passing on the help-motor towards 'De Laar West.

Comments: 1

VDL Berkhof Ambassador ALE-120 #8698

15 april 2007 - Connexxion 8698 has just left Heteren, near Arnhem, on it's way to Arnhem. On the right the Rhine.

Comments: 4

Leyland-Verheul LVB668 #22

21 april 2007 - GVA 22, next to the last blue dieselbuses from 2000. So a difference in age of 32 years!

Comments: 2

Leyland-Verheul LVB668 #22

21 april 2007 - Former Arnhem city bus 22 (Leyland-Verheul) is almost back in his hometown, after more then 20 years!

Comments: 4

Van Hool AG300T / Kiepe #0207

3 april 2007 - Connexxion 0207 at the northern end of line number 7 (Geitenkamp).

Volvo B10M-58E / Den Oudsten B88 #0181

3 april 2007 - Connexxion 0181, seen on the Cattepoelseweg, between Arnhem Station and Rijnstate hospital.

Volvo B10M-58E / Den Oudsten B88 #0178

3 april 2007 - Connexxion 0178, seen on the Cattepoelseweg, between Arnhem Station and Rijnstate hospital.

Volvo B10MA / Den Oudsten B88 #7741

7 april 2007 - Connexxion 7741 is the last Volvo B10MA-Den Oudsten B88 that's driving along Arnhem's streets...This picture is taken on the Hoeferlaan, near the 'Openluchtmuseum'.

Volvo B10M-58E / Den Oudsten B88 #175

9 april 2007 - Connexxion 0175 on it's way from Burgers' Zoo to the station, seen on the Eduard van Beinumlaan.

Volvo B10M-58E / Den Oudsten B88 #175

9 april 2007 - Connexxion 0175 in a springtime environment;)

Comments: 4

DAF MB200-Den Oudsten #129

10 december 2005 - The backside of the former GVA 129 'Breadbus', with a drawing of Herman Brood (Bread), who was a famous Dutch art-artist. National Sportcentre 'Papendal' near Arnhem.

Setra S431 DT #30

21 november 2006 - Sindbad 30 is leaving Arnhem on it's way from Amsterdam to Poland.

Comments: 5

DAF MB200 #9968

9 october 2006 - Hermes 9968 and 9969 standing inside the Vitesse stadium 'Gelredome' in Arnhem. The buses are in Arnhem for a party, given by Connexxion (they say that they are 125 years old...)

VDL Berkhof Ambassador ALE-120 #8695

9 september 2006 - Connexxion 8695 with a nice advert:)

Comments: 3

Volvo B10M-58E / Den Oudsten B88 #172

17 august 2006 - Connexxion 0172 just before the zoo in Arnhem.

VDL Berkhof Ambassador ALE-120 #1849

7 august 2006 - Hermes 1849 seen from inside the Connexxion 0203 on the Huissensestraat in Arnhem. In a matter of seconds the road became a river;)

Comments: 1

Mercedes-Benz Unimog II #13

12 august 2006 - Technical Service 13 is seen heading to Berkhof trolley 0223, which had a problem.

Berkhof Premier AT18 / Alstom #0226

12 august 2006 - Connexxion 0226 on it's way from Presikhaaf to De Laar West on trolleyline 5 near the turning poin in De Laar West.

Author: Hugo Buss RSS

VDL Berkhof Ambassador ALE-120 #8695

5 august 2006 - Connexxion 8695, Arnhem Schuytgraaf, 05-08-2006. In a few years, the nature on this picture will be houses...:(

Comments: 4

VDL Berkhof Ambassador ALE-120 #8695

9 august 2006 - Connexxion 8695 on it's way from Schaarsbergen to Arnhem Central station.

Volvo C10M-63 #10

11 june 2005 - Jan Hofstra 10, a Volvo C10M, behind the Gelredome stadium in Arnhem.

Volvo B58-60 / Ikarus 660 #VG-76-JP

october 2002 - Mostly I see old Dutch buses in Poland or other Eastern-Europe countries. It can also be the other way around. This Ikarus was built in 1978 on a Volvo B58 chassis, is former Sweden and has been in Holland since 1989. Since then it tells people about believing in Jesus and so on... The bus is seen here in Arnhem four years ago.

Comments: 10

VDL Berkhof Ambassador ALE-120 #8691

4 july 2006 - Connexxion 8691 is seen in Heteren, near Arnhem.

Comments: 2



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