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Škoda 15Tr03/6 #T-603

8 march 2007 - Szeged, Felső Tisza-part

Author: gbalage RSS

Škoda 15Tr03/6 #T-603

12 february 2007 - Szeged, Lugas utca

Author: gbalage RSS

Škoda 15Tr03/6 #T-602

30 may 2008 - Szeged, Lugas utca

Author: gbalage RSS

Škoda 15Tr03/6 #T-601

20 december 2008 - ... after reconstruction. - Szeged, Lugas street

Author: gbalage RSS

Škoda 15Tr03/6 #T-601

11 february 2006 - Before reconstruction... - Szeged, Vértói út terminus

Author: gbalage RSS

Škoda 15Tr03/6 #T-600

24 may 2008 - Waiting for better times... - Szeged, trolleybus depot

Author: gbalage RSS

Škoda 15Tr07/7 #05

24 may 2008 - Szeged, trolibusz garázs

Author: gbalage RSS

Škoda 15Tr07/7 #05

20 may 2007 - It might be T-619 once... - Szeged, trolleybus depot

Author: gbalage RSS

Škoda 14Tr08/6 #T-750

25 october 2008 - Szeged, Rókusi körút

Author: gbalage RSS

Škoda 14Tr08/6 #T-709

3 january 2010 - Szeged, Vértói út

Author: gbalage RSS

Škoda 14Tr08/6 #T-709

27 june 2009 - Szeged, Híd utca

Author: gbalage RSS

Škoda 14Tr08/6 #T-709

23 november 2007 - This is a dual-mode trolley: you can use it as a normal trolley and as a learner car. The drivers - who could firstly learn with this trolley - are the first drivers in Szeged, who didn't have to learn with the previous ZIU-9 learner trolley. - Szeged, Torontál square

Author: gbalage RSS

Škoda 14Tr08/6 #T-708

30 november 2009 - T-708 - like T-705 - has also wanted to sell to Haskovo, but they refused to buy these trolleys. - Szeged, Bartók square

Author: gbalage RSS

Škoda 14Tr08/6 #T-708

9 october 2008 - Szeged, Lechner tér

Author: gbalage RSS

Škoda 14Tr08/6 #T-707

15 may 2009 - T-707 is decorated with a large "poster", which advertises the "30 years of trolleybus in Szeged" procession.

Author: gbalage RSS

Škoda 14Tr08/6 #T-707

1 august 2008 - Szeged, Lechner tér

Author: gbalage RSS

Škoda 14Tr08/6 #T-705

5 august 2009 - T-705 was repainted, but the roof is still blue :-) - Szeged, Mars square

Author: gbalage RSS

Comments: 2

Škoda 14Tr08/6 #T-705

1 may 2009 - T-705 with bulgarian livery. Originally was sold to Haskovo, Bulgaria, but unfortunately(?) it stayed in Szeged.

Author: gbalage RSS

Comments: 1

Škoda 14Tr08/6 #T-705

12 june 2007 - Szeged, Belvárosi híd

Author: gbalage RSS

Škoda 14Tr08/6 #T-704

14 may 2009 - Szeged, Mars tér

Author: gbalage RSS

Škoda 14Tr08/6 #T-702

10 march 2007 - Újszeged, Csanádi utca

Author: gbalage RSS

Škoda 14Tr08/6 #T-701

6 may 2006 - Szeged, trolibusz garázs

Author: gbalage RSS

Škoda 14Tr13/6 #T-700

19 july 2008 - T-700 with BUSE display, after reconstruction. - Szeged, Lechner square

Author: gbalage RSS

Mercedes O530 Tr12 / TV.EU. #T-864

23 january 2010 - Szeged, Lugas utca

Author: gbalage RSS
Place: Szeged (Csongrád) | Owner: SzKT Szeged | Route: 9

Mercedes O530 Tr12 / TV.EU. #T-863

26 august 2009 - Szeged, Körtöltés utca

Author: gbalage RSS
Place: Szeged (Csongrád) | Owner: SzKT Szeged | Route: 5

Mercedes O530 Tr12 / TV.EU. #T-862

1 may 2009 - Szeged, trolley-bus depot

Author: gbalage RSS

Mercedes O530 Tr12 / TV.EU. #T-861

23 january 2010 - Szeged, Rókusi körút

Author: gbalage RSS

Mercedes O530 Tr12 / TV.EU. #T-860

19 november 2008 - Szeged, Vértói street terminus

Author: gbalage RSS

Comments: 2

Mercedes O530 Tr12 / TV.EU. #T-860

12 february 2007 - The first MB Citaro Tr12 trolley on the SzKT`s fleet. - Szeged, Lugas street

Author: gbalage RSS

Ikarus 280.93 #507

20 may 2007 - Szeged, trolley-bus depot

Author: gbalage RSS

Ikarus 280.93 #507

18 august 2005 - Szeged, Lugas utca

Author: gbalage RSS

Ikarus 280.93 #506

20 may 2007 - The end of the road... - Szeged, trolley-bus depot

Author: gbalage RSS

Comments: 6

Ikarus 280.91 #505

17 january 2010 - Szeged, Hont Ferenc utca

Author: gbalage RSS

Comments: 2

Ikarus 280.91 #505

6 december 2009 - Szeged, Hont Ferenc utca

Author: gbalage RSS

Comments: 3

Ikarus 280.91 #505

15 march 2009 - Look at this beauty! 505 will be a vintage trolley, first step it got back the original colour, which was worn in the '90s.

Author: gbalage RSS

Comments: 2

Ikarus 280.91 #505

3 september 2006 - Szeged, Vedres street

Author: gbalage RSS

Ikarus 280.91 #505

3 september 2006 - The line 7 is the SzKT's latest trolley-line (from April 2004), there wasn't any service from September 2005 untill September 2006, because the Bakay Nándor street was under construction. Before the service comes back, there was some test run. This is, what you can see in this picture :)

Author: gbalage RSS

Comments: 6

Ikarus 280.91 #505

1 february 2006 - Szeged, Hont Ferenc street (Makkosház terminus)

Author: gbalage RSS

Ikarus 280.91 #503

14 august 2006 - Szeged, trolley-bus depot

Author: gbalage RSS

Ikarus 280.91 #503

24 february 2006 - Szeged, Bartók tér

Author: gbalage RSS

Ikarus 280.91 #502

1 may 2009 - When I took this picture, 502 was stopped since 2007 because of an electrical failure:( - Szeged, trolley-bus depot

Author: gbalage RSS

Ikarus 280.91 #502

6 january 2006 - Szeged, Hont Ferenc utca

Author: gbalage RSS

Solaris-Ganz-Škoda Trollino 12 II #386

1 may 2009 - Szeged, Trolley-depot - The trolley-bus service was 30 years old in 2009 in Szeged. SzKT organised a trolley-bus parade, DKV Solaris Trollino # 386 runed on it.

Author: gbalage RSS

ЗиУ-682УВ #9-133

14 march 2005 - Szeged, zajezdnia trolejbusowa. Ziutek dla Jarosza, udało mi się wynaleźć.

Comments: 6

Ikarus 280.93 #507

14 march 2005 - Szeged, zajezdnia trolejbusowa. Zdjęcia w Szegedzie jeszcze nie miał i chyba mieć nie będzie.

Comments: 2

Ikarus 280.91 #502

25 july 2006 - Szeged, Makkosház.

Author: mzk804newseredytor RSS
Place: Szeged (Csongrád) | Owner: SzKT Szeged | Route: 9

Ikarus 280.91 #502

25 july 2006 - Szeged, Lugas Utca.

Author: mzk804newseredytor RSS
Place: Szeged (Csongrád) | Owner: SzKT Szeged | Route: 9

Comments: 2

Mercedes O530 Tr12 / TV.EU. #T-861

19 january 2008 - Szeged, Mars tér

Author: bdasza RSS

Comments: 2

Škoda 15Tr07/7 #T-614

13 march 2005 - Mikszáth Kálmán street in Szeged. Not so big town but they have trams, trolleybuses and a lot of buses there and tram and trolley network is developed not as in Gliwice :P

Comments: 4

ЗиУ-682УВ #9-147

18 august 2004 - Szeged, Csáky József utca (trolleybus depot). This ZIU was a learning car, but as far as I know, it is not in use already.

Comments: 2

Škoda 14Tr08/6 #T-701

11 july 2006 - Szeged, pętla Ujszeged. Ta ciasna pętla zrobiła na mnie bardzo czeskie wrażenie.

Ikarus 280.91 #502

11 july 2006 - Szeged, Makkoshaz. Podkowoobraznaj (podobna do podkowy) linia trolejbusowa nr 9 jest bardzo dobrą linią do zdjęć. Wszystkie linie trolejbusowe w Szegedzie są bardzo krótkie, co gwarantuje, że trolejbusy, które "uciekły" fotografom szybko wracają, dziewiątka dodatkowo obie pętle ma położone blisko siebie. Przejście piesze zajmuje mniej niż podróż trajtkiem przez centrum.

Comments: 4

Škoda 15Tr07/7 #T-616

25 july 2006 - Szeged, Gát utca.

Author: mzk804newseredytor RSS

Škoda 15Tr03/6 #T-610

25 july 2006 - Szeged, Makoshaza.

Author: mzk804newseredytor RSS

Škoda 15Tr03/6 #T-603

25 july 2006 - Szeged, Makoshaza.

Author: mzk804newseredytor RSS

Škoda 14Tr08/6 #T-705

25 july 2006 - Szeged, Újszeged Gyermekkórház.

Author: mzk804newseredytor RSS

Škoda 15Tr03/6 #T-602

25 july 2006 - Szeged, pętla Lugas Utca. Na tej zielonej pętli zawracają trolejbusy linii 9 i kilka linii autobusowych. Dziewiątkę obsługują przede wszystkim wozy przegubowe, choć i solówka się tu trafiła.

Comments: 3

Škoda 15Tr07/7 #T-613

25 july 2006 - Szeged, Csongradi Sugarut. Przegubowa Skoda dojeżdża właśnie do końca wspólnego odcinka dwóch linii trolejbusowych: 5 i 9. Na najbliższym skrzyżowaniu 9 skręca w prawo, a 5 w lewo, a do swoich pętli mają zaledwie po 2-3 przystanki.

Ikarus 280.91 #503

25 july 2006 - Seged, Berlini körút.

Author: mzk804newseredytor RSS

Comments: 2

Škoda 21Tr ACG #T-810

25 july 2006 - Seged, Berlini körút.

Author: mzk804newseredytor RSS

Comments: 1



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