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Škoda 14Tr08/6 #T-704

25 july 2006 - Szeged, pętla Lugas Utca. Oprócz trzech linii tramwajowych, w Szeged są także dwie linie trolejbusowe: 5 i 9. Na 9 dominowały tego dnia wozy przegubowe, a tu trafiła się jedna solówka. Na mapie mam co prawda zaznaczoną jeszcze linię 8, ale na niej kursowały autobusy.

Škoda 14Tr13/6 #T-700

14 march 2005 - Belvarosi bridge. Great line :D

Škoda 15Tr03/6 #T-605

16 march 2005 - Szeged - Belvarosi hid.

Comments: 2

Škoda 14Tr08/6 #T-704

13 march 2005 - Jozsef Attilla street.

Škoda 14Tr08/6 #T-705

13 march 2005 - Jozsef Attila street, this driver was wery angry and confused when i made this photo. He stopped troli and said a lot of words in Hungarian language at the end said something like "Jebuku" :)

Ikarus 280.91 #505

14 march 2005 - SZkt depot. Ikarus with ziu equipment.

Škoda 14Tr07 #3202

14 march 2005 - SZKT depo. This trolli waits for better times :(

Comments: 4

ЗиУ-682УВ #9-137

14 march 2005 - ZiU at depo.

Ikarus 280.91 #502

14 march 2005 - Szegedi trolley depot.

Škoda 15Tr03/6 #T-600

14 march 2005 - Depo, good Skoda :)

ЗиУ-682УВ #9-148

14 march 2005 - Trolley depot :) Theyre waiting for sell to Russia :)

Comments: 1

ЗиУ-682УВ #9-152

13 march 2005 - Szeged - curve from Mikszanth street to Paris avenue. Greetings for driver ;)

ЗиУ-682УВ #9-152

13 march 2005 - Mars sq. Szeged. Zalozni vozidlo on 5 line - instead of Skoda :D

Škoda 15Tr07/7 #T-614

14 march 2005 - Another photo from Szechenyi sq. This troli goes to endpoint Lugas ut. Through beatifull boulevard :D

Ikarus 280.91 #500

14 march 2005 - Szeged`s depot. Thanks to D. Balazs from Szkt :D These vehicles are in very bad condition - it will be scrapped like all i280T from Szkt.

Comments: 4

Ikarus 280.93 #506

25 february 2005 - Articulated Ganz-Ikarus trolleybus. Szeged, Berlini körút.

Comments: 1

Škoda 14Tr08/6 #T-702

25 february 2005 - The T-702 Skoda 14Tr trolleybus on Vértói utca terminus. This trolleybus was bought used and refurbished from Zlin.

Škoda 14Tr08/6 #750

25 february 2005 - Rebuilt Skoda - Cegelec trolleybus.

Škoda 21Tr #T-800

25 february 2005 - Second hand trolleybus on Mars tér.

Comments: 1

Škoda 15Tr07/7 #614

25 february 2005 - Szeged, József Attila út.



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