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Search Photos

MAN NL293 Lion`s City #542

16 september 2019 - Opole, Okulickiego St. Back in the communist times this tiny hotel (called then Olimpijski) seemed like luxurious heaven. For a young teenagers at least :)

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 18

Comments: 4

MAN NL293 Lion`s City #557

4 october 2019 - Opole, Tysiąclecia St. Crossing with railway line 301 has been modernized recently. There`s still some work to do, namely installing flashing lights and barriers.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 28

Comments: 7

MAN NL293 Lion`s City #545

20 september 2019 - Opole, Solidarity Av. The Colorful District to the right and in the background, colorful fairground to the left and in the middle not so colorful bus.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 13

Comments: 2

MAN NL293 Lion`s City #552

16 september 2019 - Opole, Wodociągowa St. It`s been roughly 35 years since this street last saw regular line. It was used by lines 11 and 15. It was back in the days when Sosnkowskiego and Rataja Streets weren`t build yet and this was basically the only link to new ZWM district. Today it`s only temporary detour caused be the reconstruction of Oleska St.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 25

Comments: 9

MAN NL293 Lion`s City #548

16 september 2019 - Opole, Oleska St. #548 seen at the construction site of big interchange between Oleska, Katowicka, Rataja, Kusocińskiego, Batalionów Chłopskich and Bohaterów Monte Cassino.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 25

Comments: 4

MAN NG323 Lion`s City G #482

30 august 2019 - Opole, Partyzancka St.
The articulated, which is passing the shrine, is fleeing from the storm. I thought I can take a picture with a flash of lightning, but the thunderbolts didn`t want to cooperate. :)

Author: es.em RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole

Comments: 5

MAN NL293 Lion`s City #542

8 september 2019 - Opole, Nysy Łużyckiej St. The latest Lion`s City of last year`s batch gets past lovely building which is placed the delegacy of The Internal Security Agency. In the German reign, there was a agricultural school.

Author: es.em RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 11

Comments: 13

MAN NL253-10,5 Lion`s City M #305

20 august 2019 - Opole, Niemodlinska St.
The rolling stock fun facts. In Opole it isi difficult to take a picture of midibus on the line he should ride. The picture shows the last trip of line 80, typically budget route.

Author: es.em RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 80

Comments: 5

MAN NL293 Lion`s City #533

23 may 2019 - Opole, Street of Father Domanski.
A characteristic place, intersection with Hallera St. and the entrance to trunk road no. 45, here stands the B-20 sign "Stop", whose authority is often minimized here. In this case this didn`t happen, so it was possible to take this "photo" by hand. #533 goes as the first trip of line no. 5 of the day, on a route through Wspólna St. and Zbożowa St.

Author: es.em RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 5

Comments: 12

MAN NL293 Lion`s City #536

7 august 2019 - Opole, Batalionów Chłopskich St. Every day, there is no bus service on this road. This happens because of reconstruction of the Oleska St, the road on the right of intersection on the background. On the left we can see another investment — redevelopment of Eastern Opole train station and road layout accompanying to this. All this creates a very nasty, typically Polish picture.

Author: es.em RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 11

Comments: 13

MAN NG323 Lion`s City G #473

23 august 2019 - Opole, Zbożowa Bis St. Only one more week we will be able to see articulated bus bending like that. Since September, the `longs` will probably return to their permanent work on school tasks.

Author: es.em RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 9

Comments: 10

MAN NL293 Lion`s City #560

20 august 2019 - Opole, Pileckiego Roundabout. Main theme here is electricity. To the left is the office of Tauron Distribution, in the background ECO Opole and further back Opole Power Plant.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 21

Comments: 5

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #516

10 june 2018 - Opole, Głogowska St. On 21st August 2019 this bus had an accident. 3 persons, including the driver, were taken to the hospital. Links to articles and pictures are in the bus data sheet.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 21

Comments: 4

MAN NG323 Lion`s City G #477

19 august 2019 - Opole, Czarnowąsy bypass. This service starts as line 10 at Drobiarska St. and goes to Opole Power Plant. It never justifies anything bigger then MIDI bus though. From there it positions - as seen here - nearly 12 kilometers to main railway station and goes again as 10 to Witosa. And then it switches to line 15 for the rest of a day. All in all this is quite ridiculous service by articulated bus but allows for interesting photo at road usually not used by MZK.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole

Comments: 6

MAN NL293 Lion`s City #555

27 june 2019 - Opole, Kwoczka St. The bus goes by a Kwoczka - Urbana stop. As can be seen, visual identification of bus stops doesn`t really exist in Opole.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 25

Comments: 6

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #512

16 april 2019 - Opole, ul. Wschodnia.

Author: Lions RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 14

Comments: 1

MAN NL293 Lion`s City #555

4 august 2019 - Opole, Kowalczyków St. Line`s 21 detour was much weirder then the one of 3, 11 and 16. At the Rejtana terminus it made a U-turn, came back all the way to Plebiscytowa and went via Fabryczna, Kowalczyków and Mieszka I.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 21

Comments: 4

MAN NG323 Lion`s City G #476

7 august 2019 - Opole, Ozimska St. At Sunday the 4th of August a huge water pipe broke down at Rejtana St. Since then lines 3, 11 and 16 have gone on detour via Wschodnia, Głogowska and Ozimska St. Whats interesting on the official site of MZK there is no indication of this inconvenience.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 11

Comments: 16

MAN NG323 Lion`s City G #476

7 august 2019 - Opole, Prosta St. Another welcomed curiosity of summer vacation`s timetable. One roundtrip of line 11 is served by articulated bus. Not that there`s real need for it :)

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 11

MAN NG323 Lion`s City G #480

5 august 2019 - Opole, Wolności (Freedom) St. Articulated bus on line 10? It`s one of a few nice oddities of summer vacation timetable.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 10

Comments: 4

MAN NL293 Lion`s City #540

30 june 2019 - Opole, Antoś Petrykiewcz`s roundabout. The impossible became reality - MAN indeed lost RFP in Opole! Ten new MAXI buses will be delivered by Solaris. Urbino IVs are expected at the depo in the spring of 2020.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 3

Comments: 8

MAN NL293 Lion`s City #558

11 july 2019 - Opole, Powstańców Warszawskich St., the bypass. The line 28 is recently very interesting, because it has got remarkable detours. Here we can see a detour caused by the reconstruction of the railway crossing on Częstochowska St. Another thing is that every day it`s difficult to travel by bus on the road with increased speed ;)

Author: es.em RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 28

Comments: 4

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #523

22 july 2019 - Opole, Częstochowska St. Another section of Opole`s street network that normally isn`t served by MZK is temporary used due to works on Tysiąclecia railway crossing. Although this part of Częstochowska used to see line 10, 17 and S back in the day. The bus in the picture passes by an old bus stop.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 21

Comments: 18

MAN NL253-10,5 Lion`s City M #307

22 july 2019 - Opole, Grudzicka St. Temporary line 28bis at the section of Grudzicka that usually sees no service. The situation is caused by works at railway crossroads at Tysiąclecia St. More pictures to follow ;)

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 28bis

Comments: 11

MAN NG323 Lion`s City G #477

16 july 2019 - Opole, Grain St. Probably the most off-road terminus on Opole`s line network.

Author: es.em RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 9

Comments: 7

MAN NG323 Lion`s City G #478

31 december 2018 - Opole, 10`th Sudeckiej Dywizji Zmechanizowanej St. and Street of Father Domanski crossing. It was a cold and gloomy day, the New Year`s eve.

Author: es.em RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 12

Comments: 3

MAN NL253-10,5 Lion`s City M #307

12 july 2019 - Opole, Wroclawska St. A "toy bus" is leaving Karolinka`s shopping center area. It has more photos from the lines on which it should not be than the "normal" lines.

Author: es.em RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 5

Comments: 7

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #505

17 july 2019 - Opole, Pużaka St, terminus. Platenbaus in near original state are becoming rare not only in Opole, but in a whole Poland.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 3

Comments: 3

MAN NL293 Lion`s City #532

14 july 2019 - Opole, Żytnia St. This narrow road is very popular among local cyclist (myslef included). That often leads to situation like the one pictured.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 5

Comments: 1

MAN NL293 Lion`s City #535

14 july 2019 - Opole, St. Ann, Budowlanych and Harcerska St. intersection. The end of detour. Sadly for us photographers (and luckily for just everybody else) no bus drives through this cobbled road in the foreground.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 10

Comments: 29

MAN NL293 Lion`s City #547

14 july 2019 - Opole, Harcerska St. Due to closure of railway crossing on Budowlanych line 10 needed a detour. It was routed through Harcerska St. which normally doesn`t see any regular service. In the background the main works of company named Heat Engineering Company of the Opole Region, or ECO Opole in short :)

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 10

Comments: 3

MAN NL293 Lion`s City #530

16 march 2019 - Opole, 10 Sudeckiej Dywizji Zmechanizowanej St. The fun fact: the "makeup" switched with their drivers to another bus - #550.

Author: es.em RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 12

Comments: 8

MAN NG323 Lion`s City G #474

10 may 2019 - Opole, Niemodlinska St. The articulated MAN goes to the Dambonia terminus, where it will start route on line 17.

Author: es.em RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole

Comments: 9

MAN NG323 Lion`s City G #473

5 april 2019 - Opole, Polish Army St. This bus is likely operating daylong schedules, but more often the buses with numbers 480-484 are photographed. Behind the bus is also spring tree.

Author: es.em RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 15

Comments: 3

MAN NG323 Lion`s City G #482

21 may 2019 - Opole, Street of Father Domanski. It`s quater to 5 a.m. In the building on the left, sometimes motocyclists gather.

Author: es.em RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 13

Comments: 4

MAN NG323 Lion`s City G #483

28 june 2019 - Opole, Korfantego St. This is the prettiest part of Opole to spotting and photographing busses ;)

Author: es.em RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 15

Comments: 3

MAN NL253-10,5 Lion`s City M #307

10 july 2019 - Opole, Solidarity Av. During summer holidays after 4 p.m. #307 still goes through here. But instead of line 15 it serves 13.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 13

Comments: 23

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #522

10 july 2019 - Opole, Witosa Av. In Opole there are 38 3rd gen Lion`s City with this timeless elegant front. On the streets they are dwarfed by 51 ones with newer albeit uglier black jawed fronts. Yes, I know. First world problems :)

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 28

Comments: 4

MAN NG323 Lion`s City G #471

9 july 2019 - Opole, 1st May St. It`s early July and it`s already starting to look a little bit autumn-ish.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 9

Comments: 5

MAN NL253-10,5 Lion`s City M #306

9 july 2019 - Opole, Plebiscytowa St. Distinctive shape of a house in the background reminds us of pre WWII street network and resembles the curvature of Koenigs Strasse as it was called back then.Main road went to the left of the photographer. Todays Plebiscytowa is divided in two separate parts and all traffic goes strait ahead through Fabryczna St. Yes, I know it`s complicated but short look at the map should clarify a little :)

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 21

Comments: 3

MAN NG323 Lion`s City G #484

1 november 2018 - Opole, Wrocławska St. Between Nysy Łużyckiej St. and Partyzancka St. there is no scheduled MZK traffic. It`s very confusing because this is the shortest route from nearly all of Opole to Karolinka mall and big industrial area. Line 0 is a small exception but it runs only in vicinity of All Saints Day.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 0

Comments: 13

MAN NL293 Lion`s City #555

3 july 2019 - Opole, Sołtysów St. Buses from this year`s delivery still smell brand new yet we already have offers in a new FRP. To everyones surprise there are two bidders: of course Man and Solaris. What`s more Solaris is slightly cheaper and offers better warranty. Are we about to witness an end to Man`s monopoly?!

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 10

Comments: 2

MAN NG323 Lion`s City G #476

30 may 2019 - Opole, Struga St. The building in the background used to be an electrical high school`s dormitory, then briefly University`s of Technology one. It has been abandoned for ten years now.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 8

MAN NL293 Lion`s City #562

27 june 2019 - Opole, Niemodlińska St. There are some works on voivodeship road 435. Despite this line 16 doesn`t use any detour.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 16

Comments: 10

MAN NL293 Lion`s City #555

15 june 2019 - Opole, Friendship Av. northern grade crossing with railway line Bytom - Wrocław. The railway here is about to be modernized. The gatemen booth will be removed as crossing will be operated by a signalman from afar.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 12

Comments: 6

MAN NL222 #206

6 may 2019 - Opole, Witosa Av. After 18 years of service #206 looks almost like brand new, at least from afar. I happen to shoot this picture in one of her last days of active service. She`s been put on sale and can be had for mere 6000 PLN.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole

Comments: 11

MAN NL293 Lion`s City #556

8 june 2019 - Opole, Grudzicka St. The last remaining bus from 2019 delivery without a photo finally got one.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 21

Comments: 6

MAN NL293 Lion`s City #546

4 june 2019 - Opole, Kazimierza Wielkiego St. I was thinking about this picture while taking this photograph. This is not a real remake ;)

Author: es.em RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 3

Comments: 4

MAN NL253-10,5 Lion`s City M #307

4 june 2019 - Opole, Piastowska St. Such a short bus on line 15 is an absolutely unique situation, because every day, articulated buses run on this line. We hope that this is a temporary event.

Author: es.em RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 15

Comments: 11

MAN NL253-10,5 Lion`s City M #305

4 june 2019 - Opole, Opole`s Dukes St. The shortest bus in the MZK rolling stock in service of line No. 10. There is also #550 behind the bush :)

Author: es.em RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 10

Comments: 1

MAN NL313 #268

27 may 2019 - Opole, Solidarności Av and Witosa Av intersection. We`ve got really nice photo from a few weeks back, now it`s time for a simple portrait. The bus got some new LCD matrices.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 15

Comments: 5

MAN NL293 Lion`s City #560

3 june 2019 - Opole, Oleska St. Green building Behind the trees used to be a primary school. I spent 8 wonderful years there :)

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 25

Comments: 3

MAN NL253-10,5 Lion`s City M #306

31 may 2019 - Opole, Głogowska St. As of now MZK doesn`t have clear view what to do with those three Lion`s City M. Besides operating night lines that is. It seems that they are used as reserve on random basis.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 21

Comments: 10

MAN NL293 Lion`s City #550

30 may 2019 - Opole, Friendship Av. This very bus is called after our partner town of Mülheim an der Ruhr.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 3

Comments: 6

MAN NL293 Lion`s City #545

31 may 2019 - Opole, Tarnopolska St. Line 28 has only 16 departures daily. Last one in western direction is shown here.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 28

Comments: 4

MAN NL293 Lion`s City #551

31 may 2019 - Opole, Witosa Av. Stop Witosa - Osiedle has two equivalents in opposite direction. That 50 meters apart is called Witosa - Cieszyńska, that 300 meters further north is called Witosa - Osiedle. Go figure :)

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 10

Comments: 7

MAN NL293 Lion`s City #558

30 may 2019 - Opole, Ozimska St. The white building above bus has had its elevation renovated just recently.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 15

Comments: 6

MAN NL293 Lion`s City #539

19 may 2019 - Opole, ul. Wrocławska.

Author: Maciek Kowal RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 5

Comments: 3

MAN NG312 #458

28 may 2019 - Opole, Teligi St. Malina has been part of Opole since 1975. Yet in the heart it`s still just a village.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 14

Comments: 4

MAN NG312 #458

27 may 2019 - Opole, Wschodnia St. On the official MZK website this bus has been removed from active fleet. Yet still she goes strong!

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 14

Comments: 6



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